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Dec 30, 2010
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Alright guys and gals, buying my first offroader tomorrow as i have always fancied having a play in the mud and never actually got around to trying it. Im getting a 1998 SWB Maverick which i believe to be pretty much identical to the terrano? Its an intercooled version so hopefully ripe for a bit more power.
Hopeing to get a lift kit on almost straightaway and would love to go for some 33" tyres. The truck itself is going to be a blank canvas as the previous owner has painted it in white primer for some unknown reason so looking for ideas for a colour scheme. I'll be painting it myself and doing any other work required myself too. I live near basingstoke so not to far from salisbury plains too which i hear can be good fun.
I expect there will be loads of questions to come but for now, thats me:thumb2
Welcome mate you have come to the right place, loads on here to help you out, I am sure they will be welcoming you as well, Rick
Welcome mate :thumb2

For lifts and big wheels have a look at ADZ, Makeitfits and Extreme4x4's albums.

Oh, and for the colour its gotta be black aint it?????? :D
hello , yes you are correct , the mav as its affectionally refered to , is a terrano in funny trousers .... welcome to the best forum on the net :thumb2
welcome to the club, great bunch of folk on here always willing to lend an ear and offer advice, great place to be
Welcome mate, sounds like a nice little project you got there. And I agree, its gotta be black :)
welcome and it sounds like you have some fun times ahead. Ive got a Maverick and id love mine to be black...:(
right, got the mav which in all honesty is a bit of a dog but 95% solid. I just got it through an MOT without too much horror. Need help with a few problems.
On wet grass, full throttle i have both rear wheels spin and only one front wheel, is this indicative of an auto hub failure?
There appears to be overnight battery drain, is there a common fault with this? i have electrical experience and multimeter so where do i start?
Does the maverick tdi have the infamous mini filter? i ask as when driving its great but when revved up when stationary there is a lot of whitish smoke and hesitation which i have read as typical fuel starvation symptoms. I have put a new deisel filter in and fuel lines have been renewed from tank to half way along chassis although there is still evident corrosion on the front fuel lines just before they bend up into the engine bay
Does anyone know if i can retro fit lockset from a 1994 terrano into my maverick? ignition and doorlock? i know the doorlock is mounted in a different location but can i adapt it?
hi mate, your here now then

in the download section you can read on how to clean and service the auto hubs.

mini filter.. some do, some dont... could also be air geting sucked in..

battery drain.. no idea...

locks no idea..
Hi, welcome to the club, regarding the auto hubs, they appear to be ok.

The rear diff is an LSD Limited slip diff so both wheels can spin under certain conditions.

The front is a standard open diff, so if one wheel spins the other can be stationary.

If either front hub is not engaged then there is no way that the other can spin. I hope this reassures you.
Best regards, Rustic
Re overnight power drain, apart from the obvious that something is switched on, the other item to check is the alternator, if the diodes have gone the alternator can draw 3 amps or more.

To test it you could disconnect the battery and monitor the current, using the 10 Amp range on the meter. BUT be aware, you could loose your radio code and alarm settings, and ecu memory.

If you find over 1 amp drain, unplug the alternator.

Normal drain would be say 50 -100mA ( 0.05 A to 0.1 Amp) for radio memory, ecu, alarm etc
Hope this helps,
best regards, Rustic
ermmm, pink-no, yellow maybe, cant stay white as i like to see change as im painting it. Ive been toying with the idea of orange with black arches and bumpers? Its not going to be a pro job. Its going to be me painting it outside with my compressor. I will probably cut and polish it but to be honest am not that bothered as i bought it solely for offroading.
Thanks zippy, ive also read the mini filter could be in the return or supply lines? I'll cough up my tenner and have a good look through the downloads i think.
Also have a 2002 soft top jimny by the way which i bought off a neighbour for a bargain price as i heard they are very capable offroaders. Seems too good to offroad though so will sell on i reckon when ive sorted out a few niggles
Hi, welcome to the club, regarding the auto hubs, they appear to be ok.

The rear diff is an LSD Limited slip diff so both wheels can spin under certain conditions.

The front is a standard open diff, so if one wheel spins the other can be stationary.

If either front hub is not engaged then there is no way that the other can spin. I hope this reassures you.
Best regards, Rustic

thanks rustic, would the open diff theory still be true if it is the same side that spins everytime? Is there a check i can do with the front jacked up in 4wd?
Where exactly should i be probing the alternator to check for 3a drain if the battery is disconnected? Auto electrics are a whole new world. I have a battery isolator switch which im having to turn off everytime i get out of the truck at the moment so am keen to get this sorted asap
thaniks ..lee
thanks rustic, would the open diff theory still be true if it is the same side that spins everytime? Is there a check i can do with the front jacked up in 4wd?
Where exactly should i be probing the alternator to check for 3a drain if the battery is disconnected? Auto electrics are a whole new world. I have a battery isolator switch which im having to turn off everytime i get out of the truck at the moment so am keen to get this sorted asap
thaniks ..lee

The meter set on amps needs to go across the isolator switch so all the current that would have gone through the switch will now go through the meter. Check which sockets the leads need to go to on the meter.
You might just want to put a 15 Amp fuse say in series with the meter just in case the current is much higher or it could melt your meter leads.
Does the maverick tdi have the infamous mini filter? i ask as when driving its great but when revved up when stationary there is a lot of whitish smoke and hesitation which i have read as typical fuel starvation symptoms....

On the TDI, spluttering and white puffs of smoke when revved stationary is normal. The factory ecu software is such that timing is very retarded under such conditions.
On the TDI, spluttering and white puffs of smoke when revved stationary is normal. The factory ecu software is such that timing is very retarded under such conditions.

i find that hard to believe, puffs of white smoke is indicative of air introduced into the fuel system and there is no way that should happen?