few of my old mav

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Aug 2, 2010
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Does the second picture show the deep puddle you drove through then... :lol :lol

Having had my Mav for nearly 16 years from new, I must admit they love a good waxing and yours looked great.

I do find it difficult to look at similar Mavericks being scrapped, when on paper mine is not worth that much, a new door, a wing etc would write it off.

You do become attached to good cars, some I have had I couldn't wait to see the back of them.

Do I have longest ownership on the site then? :naughty
she was sold as spares or repairs to a dealer in bolton who then went and sold it again for less than he paid me 2 weeks latter as he couldnt find the problem

the end bit of this clip is what had a part in killing it

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I've gone through puddles on the road that have splashed over the bonnet, oops
I think we had all better take more care, I probably would have done the same thing.

I assume the plastic inner wing was in place and firmly fixed.

So speed must have been the controlling factor, what a damn shame.:doh
I've gone through puddles on the road that have splashed over the bonnet, oops
I think we had all better take more care, I probably would have done the same thing.

I assume the plastic inner wing was in place and firmly fixed.

So speed must have been the controlling factor, what a damn shame.:doh

yes a :doh moment lol at the time i didnt realise the intake was right at the front of the wing

a bit slower through the water then it may have been fine :doh also with the kids in the back asking for quicker each time we went near water i guess the turbo would have been sucking some so a nice mix of water and air lol

Sorry :doh Meant the dealer :lol
guessed thats what you ment :lol
I had a ford Mondao, that deep in water it came up the windscreen, the bonnet had gone under. if i had not been driving the car at the time i would never of believed it. I can only gues that it was because i did not have to go far that is suvived.

My little bum was doing the 20p 50p routine at the time though.
i got this deep killed alarm and the rear diff eventualy lol
<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td><a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/4pNDuoTBbht1vPQBa_Nx3Q?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/_DZeNRI0aQx4/RrHVdn05O-I/AAAAAAAACNo/oUryqEMfGZE/s144/21072007253.jpg" height="108" width="144" /></a></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From <a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/WARSTAFFS/Navara?feat=embedwebsite">navara</a></td></tr></table>