poppy burners

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I must be too nice (at heart anyway) I just couldnt do what he did to anyone during such a ceremony.

Personally I think he would be a complete arse whatever his colour creed or beliefs.

Sorry didnt see your thread.
no worries,imagine doing that in a islamic state during one of there rememberance cermonies i doubt youd get a fifty quid fine,more like end up with cattle probe on end yer knob in some torture center
yep total lack of respect from our so called multi cultural tolerant society:(

still such a proud man as he is happy to take the infidels money in benefits

that is treason and if he wants sharia law then he should be tried by it

if you were out in afghanistan or son/daughter were,wouldnt you be wondering why the feck am i out here!
It makes me sick!!
If they don't like our country and the protection and benifits they claim then they should F\/ck Off!! ( sorry but it should be spelt correctly so as to cause maximum shock and offence )
It makes me sick!!
If they don't like our country and the protection and benifits they claim then they should F\/ck Off!! ( sorry but it should be spelt correctly so as to cause maximum shock and offence )


To keep this in context of the Forum we know and love... I bet he hasn't even got a Landrover let alone a Nissan:eek:
disgusting, he needs burning (before being sent home) even though he is probably a 'british citizen'
doesnt it make you wonder where the tax money goes eh?
disgusting, he needs burning (before being sent home) even though he is probably a 'british citizen'
doesnt it make you wonder where the tax money goes eh?

It dosen't go to the barbers for a decent beard trim:lol

How much cheaper would SVO be If we didn't have to pay billions in tax to support the scrounging breading !/\/\!gr4/\/t5.

Fill in the tunnel - that's my view!!
breach of peace,

was his own home made poppy replica, unlike the real ones a student
pissed on as i recall.

guess answer is make your own koran or whatever, get a cheque written
to magistrate and away you go.

recall, we were going to keep the site more truck orientated, lets not ahve
any breach of peace here.

guess its all symbolic, and some are more sensitive to these things than others.

now as my old pastor said placing a bible on floor wouldnt cause offense to a
christian, those to a muslim might see a koran so treated differntly.

to piss off that christian, you'd need to use it to prop up a wonky sofa....
bible is just collection of words, till read. not that i have mind, but doesnt
stop me respecting those that have.

think case was more of people in glass houses really.
By way of a bit of balance (and personally I don't give a toss what the bloke thinks; I'd rather it was out in the open so we know where we stand) just two things:

Firstly, while I would hope that we'd be a bit more respectful of such an event of 'theirs', their wars mean as little to us as ours do to them if we're honest, plus the Middle East has little respect for human life anyway, which is why they don't have such things as Remembrance Day so don't really understand the depth of feeling that we have for it.

And secondly, given the apparent contempt that some sections of our society seem to hold for this day, is it any wonder?:




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