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Mar 17, 2013
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... I've got less exhaust than you! :augie :lol

Turns out the new flexi was a bit too big :doh so couldn't fit it but got the rest of the exhaust dismantled and everything cut ready to fit once the right size flexi gets here.

In the meantime I've got no exhaust past the downpipe... and I'm pleasantly surprised to find it's barely any noisier :thumb2 so I won't be refitting any of the silencers - straight through all the way! :D

Question though, what are these? Were clamped around the pipe leading from downpipe. Maybe sound deadening? :nenau

Yeah that's sound deadening mate :) I've seen that stuff before in a kwik fit and asked

I'm surprised it doesn't sound like a beast the Terry would with all that off
Either that or heat Shields :nenau
All I had left of my heat Shields when I fitted a new zorst where the studs where it used to be.
Haha awesome, I'm due to chop some more off as the flexi has had it really.

So you are down popes only? I am down pipes only plus a little tube with a bend (as the fumes were terrible) :naughty
Haha awesome, I'm due to chop some more off as the flexi has had it really.

So you are down popes only? I am down pipes only plus a little tube with a bend (as the fumes were terrible) :naughty

Down pipe only until the right size flexi arrives (this week) then I'll be fitting straight pipe to just in front of the rear axle with a 45 degree tailpipe.

Banshee, was quite surprised at how little extra noise there is :nenau

A few of the Aussie Trol forum guys had mentioned that the 3.0 was quite quiet. Apparently the turbo muffles the sound a fair bit.
Seems to be a diesel thing then? :nenau

I was impressed that the Terrano now barks, but it's not er... Overkill, it happily sits on idle, no police hassle, but open her up under a bridge and you know about it, spurring and whistling turbo on over run :sly

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