Performance upgrade units

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Sep 19, 2004
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Something i received today via e-mail for you all to have a look at and make your own minds up.


Our company is one of the leading UK tuning companies in the country,
we supply numerous off-road clubs with our performance upgrade units so they develop more power and torque in those tricky sections in the woods. Not only do our units give you more power and torque but they also give a better fuel economy normally around a 10% saving. Our units use all OE connectors that are factory dealer quality and are fitted to the vehicle by the customer within a short space of time. We normally attend most of the big land rover shows up and down the country and our range of units keep growing by the month thanks to our extensive research and development up in Scotland. We now cover most diesel applications both 4x4 and daily cars so our range is very extensive indeed. We sell literally hundreds of units but the Nissan units seem very popular. For example if we take the Nissan Navara 174 BHP Version 2006>, you gain an extra 26BHP and also gain an extra 35lb ft of torque, this transforms the Nissan and makes them come alive and act a lot more responsively. Every customer that we have sold one to has been more than impressed with the transformation and we have e-mails on a regular basis commenting on how happy they are now and it’s like they have a new engine under the bonnet. The main reason why we sell so many units is this, firstly they can fitted by the customer within a short space of time, come with full fitting instructions and also use all OE connectors so no need for chopping wires etc. And secondly and the MOST IMPORTANT WE FEEL is that we deliver the power SAFELY, for example all our research and development programs last several months on each vehicle to ensure they run within the manufacturers limits, safely and with no problems.

If you are interested then please mention the club when you contact them as we may be able to strike a deal.

I have known alot of people use the dastek unichip on petrol cars to increase performance with very good results.
I would be interested to know a price, so I may have to e-mail them.
Hello Viking, try for a discount before handing over any money as we can stick together and get a good price as a club if more members are interested.

has anybody else thought of this one I found on good old ebay item No 110173299847 I would be interested on your veiews guys..... and gals
its that resistor fooling electronics to bung more fuel in by looks of it dont even think they work on oil burners.
when i had mav i contacted but they only do real modern stuff theresa veg/bio diesel review on there aswell
I've got a PSI Powerbox in my T2 and it makes a serious difference 30+bhp.

This sounds similar as it uses manufacturer plugs as there is no wire cutting etc.

Funny how he just mentions Navara, what about T2/Mav's, Patrols etc??????

I found that PSI no longer make box's for the 2.7TDI's and 2.8 Patrol engines, but still make them for the 3.0Di engines.

gego said:
Funny how he just mentions Navara, what about T2/Mav's, Patrols etc??????

I found that PSI no longer make box's for the 2.7TDI's and 2.8 Patrol engines, but still make them for the 3.0Di engines.


No body seems to do anything for Terranos, Mavs, Patrols etc. All the tuners seem to be Navara and Pathfinder crazy, same as buying any bolt on off road bits, its nothing for the Patrol except at an awfull premium, and virtually nothing for the TII. One of my deciding factors in going for a Landy.
Just found this scanning through the forums and i know a few lads on the RS2000 forums who installed this setup and was a load of over priced twadle with dyno day misery to back it up :wink:
I've no experience of Dastek, but I know from trackday circles that so long as the set up is done properly, the results can be very good.