going to a car auction

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Jun 27, 2010
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Yup, going to a car auction tomorrow with my friend Zenka and her parents to look at cars, her original car ' 1997 ford KA 'rotbox' has died a rather electrical and expensive death, 'not worth fixing' so the 4 of us are going to have a look at cars and hopefully get another KA 'she really likes them' 'i don't':augie I'll be trying to get her to bid on 4X4s:sly so yup, that's how my Friday will be spent....also hoping my lift kit will arrive soon:D
Good fun car auctions. Never bought from one. we used to go for a nosy and try to guess how much they'd go through. Surprised how much some traders would pay for junk.
Yup, going to a car auction tomorrow with my friend Zenka and her parents to look at cars, her original car ' 1997 ford KA 'rotbox' has died a rather electrical and expensive death, 'not worth fixing' so the 4 of us are going to have a look at cars and hopefully get another KA 'she really likes them' 'i don't':augie I'll be trying to get her to bid on 4X4s:sly so yup, that's how my Friday will be spent....also hoping my lift kit will arrive soon:D
Just take care,you dont end up bidding against yourself:)
Good fun car auctions. Never bought from one. we used to go I've been to one before, a nosy and try to guess how much they'd go through. Surprised how much some traders would pay for junk.

At a service station so making most of free WiFi, smileys don't work tho lol, aye, i've been to aution once before as dad was bidding on a 1995 vectra
Car has been bought, a 54 reg ford KA seems a nice little runner, so, everyone's happy, still in Carlisle at the moment having lunch, will post pics when I get home:thumb2
pics:D She seems happy, car was only £675:eek:

also spotted a ford maverick chasseur


back home in Scotland ;)



i love going to auctions you can get some great deals and also some utter shite, problem is that having tourettes i have to keep out of the way incase i twitch and bid :clap:clap
we bought some good ones few years ago, before it caught on. full mot and tax vectras 3 year olds for 1700! bargain! corsa 1700d 3 byears old for 2100 squid! happy days! ford ka good choice.
I used to go regularly 20 years ago:eek:
I didn't realise it was so long ago:confused:
ive brought some sheds in my time from them.
but Ive had so many cars from minis, capris, bmws I had a wicked fiat mirafury (spelling wrong I know)
3ltr 6 cylinder capris I even brought an old 4x4 Scooby estate thingy that drove like stink but as soon as I cot in it pheww it smelt like some body was using it to cook indian meals in and dropped all the curry powder.
It took weeks and a lot of air freshener to get right.
Costs more than that in buyers premiums now at our local bca dont know why anyone goes there:doh

Aye auctions are ridiculously expensive,when we were their, I was surprised at the prices some went for, the KA was about the cheapest sold their as their was only about 3 bidders on it....no one really wanted small cars that day, was mostly things like omegas mondeos and some pickups being sold, a maverick SWB chasseur went fir £1100 had you're average rot, swings sills etc as I had a look over it before it went in, gearbox was noisey too