ring C A B in the morning , no point going down there it will be packed and they will only make a note of the help you need and give you an appointment for about 3 weeks .
but ring and do it from home , they do online chat help too now . so thats useful to put your mind at ease quicker . look at there web site
but you need someone like shelter
find your local office , sometimes at the C A B , but you want your local non C A B one for obvious reasons (3 week wait)
when you go to them you have your own shelter rep help you . and sort out the legal side of things . but i suspect they will advise you to speak to youer landlord to see what he says first , it could be a nothing and you are part of the sale . so nothing to worry about .
another route is your local council they will have a department for things just like that . ring them and ask the questions .
you will find , the more people you ask . the better help you will get . and you will have contacts who often work together to get you fixed up .
remember pen and paper ready. before you call . and always be polite , clear and make sure you take there name . dont give up at the first knock back of oh we dont do stuff like that .... if you get that say " can you advise me where to go next".
i suspect its an easy fix , and you will be sleeping easy tomorrow :thumbs
good luck .