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Nissan 4x4 Owners Club Forum

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designed for, bought by and driven by ****s

Definitely a case of "Ive got a BMW and it looks good on the drive" in reality that translates to "Ive got a BMW badge, the rest of the car I can put up with.......just"

Had a go of its big brother, the X5 when I was looking around before I got the jeep. It was crap.
Or these people who have kids and think they need a big car thingy to be safe. I hate these cars. I say you want a 4x4? Then get a mav/terry, fourtrack or a LR disco or defender, that's what a 4x4 is... Not a car with a button on the dash marked 4wd!!!! U press it and nothing happens but with a good 4x4, you hav 2 gear sticks!!!:thumb2
...or for people with more money than sense! and if i remember correctly, Jeremey Clarkson was NOT a big fan...

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