WI-FI passwrds, safe?

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i think the answer here really is, the regular chaps among us wont be cracking no WEP key, it just simply isnt that simple unless you are able to learn how to use the various software tools required

No there is a simple bit of hardware out to do that for regular chaps, I will find out once I get the name of it.

Also 128bit wep does take about 10 mins to do with linux
yes, there is hardware, but its not cheap compared to free software, and STILL requires a level of knowledge to use. Again, cracking wep in linux 10 mins or not still requires a novice to learn how to use it in the first place.
moved thread to pub, as not a newbee question or poster, Plank?

guys please note that hacking, or obtaining someone else's wifi whether
locked or open without permission is illegal, folks have been prosecuted
recently, even where the network was open and in effect the owner
was also responsible for ease of access.
my mate has one and it pretty much is. WEP is easy, WPA takes longer and you need to use a dictionary (google it).