why oh why

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2010
we have central heating , but we also have a thingie that looks like a woodburning stove but its a electric fire that lights up and blows out hot air , we use it to top up the central heating , i switched it on just now to warm the room up before sheila gets up , and it went bang :eek:..... why do things like this happen when you cant get another one ? :doh
is it an open wound element? if so I have some that you could probably make a new one, or if it is the solid type with fins I have some of those as well providing the length is right, Rick
just had a peek , it has 4 smallish ( about 6 inches ) open wound elements , im guessing 500 watt each as the fire is 2kw.... what worries me is it blew a 13 amp fuse , i replaced the fuse and put my multimeter across live and neutral ..... it should show very low resistance ...... it showed infinity ..... also the lights dont work or the fan ....... time to get another me thinks .... not worth repairing .... only cost about 40 quid
wot a dickhead

as i was putting this fire back together , i heard a click when i put the back on .... on investigation , there is a micro switch that cuts the power when you remove the back :doh....... still doesnt work tho :(
Hi Pete, sorry to hear that. If you need them we have an oil filled rad and a fan heater you can borrow. You've got my number if you want to borrow em mate.

Christmas lunch is only half made and we have no flippin water!!!! major water leak cut off the whole of our area. Lucky enough when I got up this morning I knew summat was up so filled camping container and kettle. We also av a stack of bottled water I use for work.

I'm sure there will be others worse off.

See Ya

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