White smoke

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Mar 17, 2019
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Hi everyone
I’m new to this site, also I’m new to owning a Nissan xtrail t30.
Anyway I’ve just purchased a 2004 2.5 petrol xtrail.
White smoke from start up and when I’m going along, it seems to be all the time really. fluid levels seem to be staying the same.
Can anyone help with advice please
Kind regards
Welcome aboard.

I’m no expert on yours but past experiences with petrol vehicles is telling me a possible cause could be water where it shouldn’t be.
Have you checked your oil cap for mayonnaise? Water mixed oil.
There’s also a test that can be done to see if there are combustion gases in the coolant.

Of course I could be leading you up the garden path but those are my first thoughts. Others will be along soon I’m sure.
Hi and welcome, yes as Jim says, I would suspect head gasket but have to say I know little about the engine in yours, so there could be other causes, I am sure others will be along with more suggestions, Rick
white smoke ?

put a comdom on the filler cap it will get a bit of pressure but if it keeps blowing up i would say head gaskit.

I think a condom will blow off anyway due to most petrol engines running with positive crankcase pressure even more so if it has done high mileage.

I agree the most likely cause is moisture, if no creamy yellow emulsion on oil cap when removed it should show up as eventual water loss.

I did have a Cavalier that blew white smoke and would stop starting when it was really cold, I eventually traced it to excess water in the petrol tank that was being topped up by a perished breather hose.
Thanks everyone for your replies
I’ve checked for cream deposits around the oil filler cap and dipstick, but they are clean, it’s not overheating the smoke smells a bit oily! But it’s white not blue.
I really don’t know what to do?
As others have said it could be contaminated fuel, it is not unknown for water to get into forecourt tanks, so if you use a regular supplier try changing for a while, it would not be long before the water ingress was noticed, due to delivered fuel not corresponding to pump readings, then they dip it with a moisture reading putty to test, but do not worry if it is running OK, just monitor what is going on, Rick
Obscure possibilities ??

Hi everyone
I’m new to this site, also I’m new to owning a Nissan xtrail t30.
Anyway I’ve just purchased a 2004 2.5 petrol xtrail.
White smoke from start up and when I’m going along, it seems to be all the time really. fluid levels seem to be staying the same.
Can anyone help with advice please
Kind regards

Just a thought is it an Automatic, if so you can get smoke from ATF being sucked into the engine via any diaphragm operated shift assisters.

Lastly did the last owner put some additives in the tank, when you run it really low and top up with some SUL fuel it might improve things.

A really long shot check the brake fluid - if its falling again it can be sucked into the engine on some brake systems.
Thanks everyone, I dropped it into my local garage, they tested for emissions and everything came back good, no cross contamination with any fluids.
I had the sump flush and new oil and filter. I’m going to keep a close eye on the white smoke and oil level.
Thanks again