Which GPS System is best for Green Laneing?

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Hi Guys,

I was going to buy a Road Angel Adventurer 7000 Gps Navigation System which uses memorymap OS Landranger in its software. Anyone any experience of this system - worth buying?
hi tbh only seen reviews of it.

alternative is an ipaq with memory map and say tomtom or other road
based nav.

i was advised that the hx4700 is a very good ipaq featuring a larger
screen than most and has both sd and cf slots, it also features
bluetooth for gps sender, though you can get cf based units, and wifi.

have a look in some of threads i started, couple of members given
their experience of them. another regular sized ipaq 3950 i think
can get a gps sleeve from navman or garmin to make it all in one.

its really a shame tomtom havent cottoned on to memory map as
they would make a killing if could mod their code to run it.

tt's feature many boats and opras but do not offer 'bread crumb'
trail logging yet afaik.

Many thanks - I've now tracked down that interesting discussion list. Very useful. Appreciated. -cheers-

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