What oils Are we using

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2005
Hi guys

going to do an oil change Auto fluid Box and Transfer case and diffs (front and Rear)

Yes I Know i need Dextro III Auto fluid and SAE 80W-90 Hypoid gear oil GL5

But what i want to Ask is do we use standard Nissan stuff or get: ie: shell, castrol or coma

come on guys what you all using

thanks Davemud
I tend to use Valvoline stuff. Had their Valvoline Racing (now VR1) recommended by a few engine builders (including Mr Millington for those that know who I mean) when I was working on competition cars and I've kinda followed on using it. They do an LSD oil too so I use that but may move to Castrol B373 next time for the LSD. Box and front diff wise I have gallons of the stuff so I'm using that up before I buy any, Total IIRC. Will probably move to Fuch next time though on the basis that I can get it at a good rate.

With the old perol I used a Valvolines full mineral oil but with the additional stress and heat the bearing of the turbo on the diesel put oil through I use a semi-synth in the engine.

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