Bat one question, (sorry) but howthe hell do you get onto the forum from the new home page? can't see a link to it.:nenau
Crap didn't see that.. :augieIt's under the section called Site Navigation... it's a link called Forum :doh
Crap didn't see that.. :augie
O.K. all is well in Royton..:bow
Paul will get you at play time by the way..:naughty
Don't what??yer right.. i bet u dont..
Crap didn't see that.. :augie
O.K. all is well in Royton..:bow
Paul will get you at play time by the way..:naughty
get Paul at play time
Not showing anything..:nenauoh well you know how to read the secret post then..
Not showing anything..:nenau
I like it.. just couldn't see where the forum link was..:thumbs:thumb2 from me for the home page bat 21
Me thinks your not..:augie My eyes are so bad with readin,,I just hope its your eyes and not your age.. as I'm sure I'm older than you!
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