WEIRD!!Electrical ??

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OK,I think the problem is solved.......Bulgarian guy in village working out of a small tin shed ???had a look as i said starter...good job he checked things first,he found a bad wire in the IGNITION BARREL !!! He sorted it and didn't even need NEW one,well i hope it's sorted lol,but it's starting every time,i suppose only time will tell.I will keep you updated,so you lot having trouble with starting,loss of power etc,have a good look at wiring behind and into ignition barrel.Oh and cost of repair 10 lev which is a FIVER as it's Xmas i give him 20 lev,he was happy i was happy.
Very pleased you have made progress
Hope you also have loud horn , full bright lights ,fast wipers etc
Arrgh me again Help!

Ok,It's me again..............broke down again AARRRGH.Had 2 of these before not one problem ,this pile of c**p is doing my head in.Bulgarian lad still thinks its the wires/ignition but has offered to swap his gas converted 96 BMW 318 left hander for it,dont really want another car as we have a transit,a camper and the GV suzi so...................
Is there anyway you guys can help AGAIN,Is there anyway i can still use my ignition switch and key for steering lock etc......but cut/splice wires to run to a PUSH BUTTON hidden starter switch,hence no need of ignition as thats where the problem maybe,as i'm in Bulgaria and a tight bugger i'd rather go this way if possible,does anyone know what wires to go for,what colours and what goes to where? if you get my drift?
If nippers can do it to HOTWIRE i'm sure it can be done a bit more proffecionally and then if it still dont work its not that.
Also when i broke down and was fiddling about trying to start it,i could here a buzzing/whirring noize from left hand wing behind battery,also tried jump start from another vehicle ...NOTHING!.........AM I A PAIN,coz the terrano is.
There are relays behind the battery so it might pay to lift the battery out and see if you can fine any relays or loose connections /leads or check the relays in the fuse box
Probably won't help you much but there are two common problems affecting this area, one of which you've seen and both of which I've had during my eight years with these babies.....

Firstly the ignition switch is prone to failure - first symptom is a 'click' when you try to start the motor, making you think the battery is flat or the starter knackered. In fact its the switch contacts burnt out. Youy will probably find that if you turn the key VERY SLOWLY it will start - turning it at normal rate whizzes past the tiny clean spot thats usually left, too fast to make contact. Swap the switch when this happens as you already found out.

Other thing for people to check is the actual battery terminal connectors. The standard factory fitted terminals are a piece of crap - extremely flimsy and prone to breaking or corrosion. Take them off, bin them and fit some old fashioned chunky replacements.

Good luck with your problems....hope you get sorted.
