Viscous fan behaving oddly

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i dont think there easily split mate or theyd sell em seperate for more dosh!
gazz said:
I only need the clutch someone need waterpump :eek:)
I would just fit the unit then you know everythings OK? :?: :idea: :arrow: if you split you would void any warranty on the unit, and it just aint worth it :p
jace said:
£30-40 max id have thought comes with new waterpump
cheapest i could get was about £ 65 to £70 if me old fuddled brain remembers correct :?: :lol: -readmanual- -banghead-
yes, but last fall I think september 2006 the waterpump was changed.
but not the viscus clutch
It says in manual that viscous coupling can not be removed from the pump. It must be changed as a complete unit.

Looks like some people are getting wires crossed some where??????

gazz said:
can someone tell me the price for the Viscous Fan drive for 2,7 TDI engine in UK ?

You can buy one brand new Q&H for £60/£70 sterling

You get the coupling with a new water pump
ok, on the bill it only was water pump.
But ok then I am on start line again
What is wrong here ?
The thermostat ?
any ideas ?
put piece card in front rad blockin some of it, itll heat up easier. what temp u got in iceland coldest weve had so far was -7
gazz said:
ok, on the bill it only was water pump.
But ok then I am on start line again
What is wrong here ?
The thermostat ?
any ideas ?
If the car is over heating and it is a stat problem the stat is not opening, if the car is running cold the stat could be jammed open. :idea:
If you remove it and its shut, it could be ok, but then drop it attached on a piece of string into a jug of boiling water if the stat opens then the chances are the stat is not at fault? :?: but is the stat is out anyway and the cost of a replacement i would change it for good measure. then go from there
Whwn it is warm whater it act just perfect warm up fast and viscus fan goes off after 30 sec or so.
BUT when it is cold day under 0°c it takes long time to warm up and the viscus fan is on the whole time.
I am going to change the thermostat tomorrow and see what hepends
But what do you all think ?
sounds normal mate big ol low revin lump to warm up bitove card in front rad if it heats up to much pull out rip bit off if not hot enough bung in bigger bit lol
rossco said:
I think you need to check the thermostat, if thats open all the time then you won't get a warm up as quick because the water is going through the radiator and cooling down.

Take out your thermostat and check that first.

1. Check for valve seating condition at ordinary temperature. It should seat tightly.

2. Check valve opening temperature and maximum valve lift

Valve opening temperature 82c or 180 f

Maximum valve lift = 8mm /95c or 0.31 in / 203 f

3. Then check if valve closes at 5c (9f) below valve opening temperature. 82c - 5c = 77c or 180 f - 9f = 171 f


Like I said try this .
new thermostat did not help, yesterday it was +5°c and everything perfect but this morning it is -1°c and the fan is on like it is 747 jet engine.
Any ideas ?
at least thats elminated now i would be edging me bets on pump replacement how ever i think i still have my old pump in the garage with viscos part still attached but i bet getting it to you would cost near as much as a total replacement unit??????? :?