Well, I picked up wires into the reversing light socket. On 2002 T2 3.0 ltr auto they are black (neg) and red and black (pos).
I used crimped connections as final fit, after many test connections using choc blocks to ensure circuit. I did extend the leads where I could by by a few inches to try making a pig of a job a bit easier.......although I probably should have used a different feed source........
The problem was feeding the phono/camera plug/lead through the bumper/bodywork.
I ran it from the camera, mounted above the number plate, through the plate light fitting, where there is a convenient gap.
Over the top of the rear chassis, and up through a gap at the far end of the bumper, under the hinge end of the door.
Be careful as the phono plug is a tight fit, but can be pushed through the gap, just don't trap it in the door and damage it........:doh
Lift the trims and feed the long phono/camera feed lead along the left side up to the floor at rear, behind passenger seat.
I simply fed it under the loose mat behind the passenger seat, along the drivers side of the gear tunnel, and up to the centre console.
There is a lot of surplus wiring at this point......plus a duff phono plug......good job I never throw anything away......trimmed out a new plug/lead, and soldered and heat shrink tubing onto the lead.
Sadly I just cable tied loops of cable and stuffed it into the hidey hole at the base of the console.......it may be hidden later, if I fit a mini Albrecht CB unit....:nenau
Camera feed using a spare cigar plug into spare socket on multibar.........
Fire it all up, select reverse.......and hey presto......I can see the area at the low end of the car.....with the green yellow and red areas......
Final task is to get back under and make all connections permanent.
One more firing....all OK......tidy up tools away......cold beers, shower and lie down whimpering gently........
I did have a thought about fitting sensors as well at some point, so there is an audible as well as visual guide......need to think about that, and seek advice from the hive mind on this great forum.....:thumb2:thumb2:thumb2