Upgraded my broadband today...

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yeah, its all business first. ISP's are there to make money, not happy customers lol. imagine though, if they just did what they were supposed to do, and we all got un congested connections for the majority of the time? they'd be struggling for new business thats for sure!

Yeah but trouble is I don't reckon that would fix it...I've managed some massive contracts for major financial institutions and defence sector in my time and despite being on site early hours or late night, I found their pipes were little faster than what I'd get at home. And as I implied above, I spent a lot of time calming down clients who'd approved expensive upgrades that the tecchies said would result in blistering performance, only to find it reduced application latency, say, by about 5 milliseconds....and these were anoraks who couldn't understand how the average Joe could possible survive at home without a blade server rack and a network linking every room including the karzie and the shed... :doh

I mean imagine what Bat would have to pay out for example if we all wanted a 50Mb connection to his server (wherever its hosted)....probably couldn't do it. And as Gav will probably admit, the ISPs tend to oversell their actual max capacity very significantly on the reasonable sensible assumption that not all their subscribers will be online at the same time doing massive downloads.

IMHO in most cases, unless you have several family users, buying 50Mb is like buying a Ferrari and wondering why it still takes five hours to get up the M6 :lol
bb speed or mis sell of it wass on beeb breakfast this morning.

feeling was misleading upto speeds, suggestting that a typical
speed, rather like a typical apr from a bank would be fairer.

further it was undefined how many customers could hope to get
the best speed though suggestion was at best 5%, this was
mainly aimed at the adsl market.

to be fair mine is slow compared to some of you, but it is FREE
so i'd have to pay an awful lot more to improve it....

its free from orange because at some point i had enough mobile
contract(s) with them or combine monthly spend to qualify for
free bb.

dont download much, mainly free progs as needed like avg or
open office, then go off and have a cuppa leaving download to
sort itself out, and coming from the era when it took a tape
drive to download a 3K game as long onto the old vic20 its
not that bad really.
I've got the sooper-dooper 3 1/4" drive and a huuuuge box full of games.....did you ever play SWIV?

EDIT: here, enjoy ....

did i ever play swiv lol, i remember reading the magazine reviews and waiting for it to come out!! such a cool game, in fact, i think i have it on an emulator on my phone...

I went form a C64 to an Amiga (had an STe in between) and i just adored the Amiga, it was fantastic, and opened up the world of computer art to me, as I used it to learn DTP and all that jazz, loved it!

i have some emulators now for the c64 and amigas, but im looking to buy a decent A1200 with the 3.1 rom and hopefully an accelerator card. just for soemthing to play with. I did this a few years back, and bought all the kit to network it and it worked well except internet.
did i ever play swiv lol, i remember reading the magazine reviews and waiting for it to come out!! such a cool game, in fact, i think i have it on an emulator on my phone...

I went form a C64 to an Amiga (had an STe in between) and i just adored the Amiga, it was fantastic, and opened up the world of computer art to me, as I used it to learn DTP and all that jazz, loved it!

i have some emulators now for the c64 and amigas, but im looking to buy a decent A1200 with the 3.1 rom and hopefully an accelerator card. just for soemthing to play with. I did this a few years back, and bought all the kit to network it and it worked well except internet.

There were some terrific games around, and clear evidence that its gameplay that counts not frantic graphics....and Paint was just so far ahead of its time.

I believe they did a lot of the early CGI on Babylon 5 on a 1200 too.

Jeez I'm sounding like a bloody anorak now!!:doh
yeah I think you are right, wasnt it Amiga Video Toasters then PC's?? I cant remember what softwar ethey used, but I have it in my head it was Lightwave. I used to do a bit of 3D work, and started off with lightwave and seem to remember researching Babylon 5 at the time.

Amigas were great machines.
ah amstrad cpc664s? etc, those keyboards with an integrated cassette
or floppy disc drive, 6128. nearly bought one after my vic20 ran out
upgrade potential, in 1986, then acorn reinvented the bbcb as the
master, 499 for computer, £150 for floppy drive, was too much but had
some inheritance so invested. its still in the loft, mind system clock
expired at 1999 (99) deffo milenium bug.

friend at poly had an amiga, was dogs bits, got various graphic
upgrades. stood him well for career in game design. then ibm pc clones
hit the home market.
Good Good Virgins in fine on there, normally achieving less than 2meg loss on advertised, about what I get on the 50 meg, had it since the start of this thread now and I have not dropped below 48meg at any time of the day, well impressed.

You will always get well under advertised when using ADSL unfortunately unless your next to the exchange.
