Transfer Box Problems

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Jul 24, 2012
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I think I've got problems with the transfer box on my new motor.

The transfer lever is jammed and is very very graunchy, at the minute I can only use it in 2H and 4H and that's having to use all my force to pull it back

Pushing it down and pulling it back into 4L is impossible!!!!!

However the 2H and 4H do operate perfectly as I have tested them

Any advice?
spray all the linkage with some penetrating oil and leave it to soak in overnight.
could just be the lever is a bit stiff.
check the transfer box oil level.
Nope it's standard height, it's crazy how low it is on the standard wheels next to my Maverick with 31's and torsion bar adjustment :eek:

I think I would be attempting to remove the gear stick gaiter from around the gear stick, and then remove the lower rubber seal, and have a look from the top, it could be the rubber seal has jammed...:nenau
Mine was very stiff when I got it due to lack of use so kept working it every day when parked on the drive fro 2H-4H & it became a lot easier to move then started going from 4H-4L & again it freed up

So yesterday afternoon I was on a late shift at work so there until 6pm but everyone leaves at 4pm so I went over to the garage at work.

I'd heard one of the techs in there had shut his laptop in the car door and split the screen, I'd sent him an e-mail of what parts he needed to get it working again. He ordered the parts and as promised I fitted them for him, in return I asked if I could pull my car in on the ramp and look at my transfer box.

We took the guide plate off and lubed it all up, put some copper slip on the pin and gave it a little encouragement with the mallet and POP!!!! she dropped into 4L :D tightened the guide plate back up and then it was as smooth as moving from 1st to 2nd gear just with a satisfying clunk like a transfer box should :sly

Thanks Ray and all other that helped
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