You can buy new bolts from places like Towsure or Go Outdoors but I ended up buying some similar size stainless steel from a bolt specialist nearby.
Oh smear grease around them too and whilst your at it grease the socket on inner and outer too. I've done this for years and not had a problem in all that time.
Length depends on what it is passing through, normally 75mm is the fit it all standard.
Just reading and it does sound like there was some confusion. I knew what you were on about dude:clap I stick plenty grease on the threads of both the socket bolts and the tow ball bolts.
Shouldn't the sockets be on the RHS - unless your truck is left hand drive ...:nenau. just makes it easier to plug and unplug without reaching over the towbar ... especially if you're clumsey like me and drop the plugs on the floor out of reach. Other wise you've got to walk round. :doh
All the cars I have ever had, have had them on the Left, even the factory fit ones.
The only time I have seen a socket on the right, is when you have both N and S sockets, and sometimes they put the Grey one on the right. Perfect if you are a symmetry freak like me, and want the towbar to be uniform about the centre line.
Anyway, why walk round, you just step over.. unless you are really short, then you just limbo under...:lol
Better still, if you train the other half properly, they can do it for you...:lol
You'll have a job stepping over a RHIB trailer with the winch post, jockey wheel, spare wheel and the spare wheel on the back door of the truck.
Many have tried and rendered their wedding tackle out of use for a while. :lol it's the jockey handle that gets them!
You can open the back door enough to reach in, any more than you'll have to uncouple!!
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