Ticking and smoke after oil change

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Well-known member
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
Hi again folks.

I got a terrno a few weeks ago. Noticed the oil was old and way past its time.

So i replaced it a few hundred miles ago, flushed engine, replaced new oil filter and oil semi synthetic 10w40. And gave the turbo a sprey of turbo cleaner too while i was at it.

Now when driving i get a ticking. Tick tick tick .... Doesn't sound like the usual valve sound you get on the terranos when they need adjustments. But also since the ticking started i put my foot down from stop and seems to take ages to get any speed up to 20mph then starts to drive normal. Finally also noticed now that after the engine is off for about 10minutes and i turn it back on i get a second of pure smoke, smells strong of oul then clears.

What the hell is going on.... Im having kittens here, only just got this
not sure the semi synthetic at 10w 40 is a good choice, I use mineral for all my engines except my motor this time round, just done an oil and filter change to exactly what you have just used, only because it was kicking around and wanted to be shot of it, but strange as I get a ticking sound now when cold which I never had before but goes as it warms up but cannot locate it, sounds like tappet noise but it seems lower down so could be piston slap, but as said never had it before, will be checking it over Xmas, as for turbo cleaner I would never use it, turbos do not have oil seals as such, a more apt description is an oil flinger, to spin the oil away, as they wear carbon and other debris builds up which helps control oil passing, cleaner will probably have removed some of this so oil is now passing, give it time it will carbon up again, but you may need to change your oil, others have said about this on here before but cannot find the threads, Rick
Id look into that oil and where its coming from as alot. Bit much to be egr but could explain lag as they fail and loose boost so would take high revs to get boost but wont rev high due to leek. Vicious circle. But egr blank will eliminate that or like rick said check all ya jubilees and rubber pipes for leeks
Steve had this issue after an oil change, something to do with wrong internal diameter filter if I remember?

Elton might know more. :thumb2

Edit - the ticking, not sure on smoke.
Thank you. I will remove intercooler and check its connectors and clean egr. Then change oil with that item number. And see how it goes....
New clips. Oil. Filter. Ect all ordered. I dont have a plate for egr to cober it so will just weld the thing closed. Black smoke on accelerating. So egr....?
Exactly the issue I had with the Terrano when I ran it on Semi, drained it and put Mineral in and it's fine :thumb2

This is why I INSIST on Mineral!!!!
Thank you ever so much for ypur helping comments. I will update you folks as i go.
Steve had this issue after an oil change, something to do with wrong internal diameter filter if I remember?

Elton might know more. :thumb2

Edit - the ticking, not sure on smoke.

Steve's problem turned out to be no 1injector Alex.
It was the wrong fuel filter that he got supplied with but he changed it.Steve's was more of a knock than a ticking sound.
I had issues when I used 10w40 semi synthetic oil from milners. Changed it for castrol magnatech and never looked back.

was the intake manifold. I noticed a nissan one under my seat when i first got it last month... I didn't think anything of it. But thats the problem, intake gaskit was in bits. And welded egr closed while i was there. Running fine again now. So guess last owner knew it needed doing.

Noticed the water pump needs changing also and belts. In due time.