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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Mar 10, 2009
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hi guys,

where is the thermostat??

I ask because I am hoping to check mine. Temp on the truck is ok, not running hot, in fact, since doing the recent repairs, its much lower, well below half way. Again i am not sued to these trucks, but it did used to run at almost bang on half way, so im wondering if it needs looking at?? I dont mind changing the coolant as it probably needs doing, and I plan to do all the oils in the next few weeks....

i've got a 97 Maverick 2.7TDi
hi guys,

where is the thermostat??

I ask because I am hoping to check mine. Temp on the truck is ok, not running hot, in fact, since doing the recent repairs, its much lower, well below half way. Again i am not sued to these trucks, but it did used to run at almost bang on half way, so im wondering if it needs looking at?? I dont mind changing the coolant as it probably needs doing, and I plan to do all the oils in the next few weeks....

i've got a 97 Maverick 2.7TDi

they dont run hot. but they do go from 1/4 - 3/4 depending on your speed and engine strain

the stat is in the ally dome in front of the rocker cover its got 2 one inch hoses going into it . make sure you have a gasket at the ready though new stat is around 8 quid and you get a free gasket usually
There's a how to do in the downloads section mate. :thumbs
Please don't confuse matters :lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol
im easily confused.

although i am very interested to know about the effects of LOW engine temperature on these trucks, what can we expect when the temp is below half afetr say 30 mins (when it should be at operating temp), does it affect the engine in anyway, or is it good that things are cooler??
OK first things first, do not take too much notice of the temp gauge in the motor, it is only a guide, measure the temp with another device if you really want to know the actual temp, but it is a bit pedantic, next modern thermostats fail with high temp or boil not low temp unless something has jammed them open, most unusual, and last yes, it is not good for an engine to run cool, they are designed to run at around 85 deg C, so if you are really worried test with an electronic probe like they use for checking hot food in kitchens, the range will be about right and will be accurate enough for an engine, certainly a lot more accurate the the one in the car, Rick
OK first things first, do not take too much notice of the temp gauge in the motor, it is only a guide, measure the temp with another device if you really want to know the actual temp, but it is a bit pedantic, next modern thermostats fail with high temp or boil not low temp unless something has jammed them open, most unusual, and last yes, it is not good for an engine to run cool, they are designed to run at around 85 deg C, so if you are really worried test with an electronic probe like they use for checking hot food in kitchens, the range will be about right and will be accurate enough for an engine, certainly a lot more accurate the the one in the car, Rick

right gotcha, Ill see if I can get a probe of some sort. Im not worried, just interested. I do a lot of short trips you see, so dont see the temp gauge hit half way like it used ot, but i dont think the engine is working as hard since I fixed it...??