thermostat housing wiring

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does anyone know what the 3 sensors are for on the side of the thermostat housing ???
ive had the 2 big ones disconected and they both fit each other so dont cant remember which came from which oops
anyone help
ta b4 somethink goes wrong oops how thick am i
also noticed a sensor on the btm hose as well think that somethink to do with air con
bit complicated for an old car these mistrals hehehe

Ok the 3 sensors are:
The Left one is a water temperature sensor (EGR)
The Middle is a water temperature sensor
The Right one is water temperature sensor (glow plug)

From this end of the world:
Left is front
Middle is middle
Right is back

So it is true yes we do drive on the front side of the road and the lines are in the middle and the misses is always in the back no matter what :lol:

Hence the term "Back seat driver ":wink:

so really does it not matter if the left and right wires are switched round?
i cant tell from the loom which is supposed to be were
I guess not as they are just sending the temperature from a sensor.
I had a look at mine and can't tell either :lol: