theiving bistds

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2010
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went out to the car this morning and noticed the parking mirror was facing the front .... on examination someone had stolen the cover which protects the screws !!!! ...... why ?
because they didnt have one :thumbs

you should plug your car into the mains in case it gets touched again, twats :thumb2
Sorry to hear of this Pete, we can't understand why they do it simply because we are not like them. I'm sure they don't have a reason why?

they stole the cover off your parking mirror?? ok, next mistral you see driving about, assume its them that stole it and steel it back.
As Steve says, connect the other one to the mains and get the bar stewards when they come back for the other.
Cant be that many Mavericks/Terranos around your way, keep yer eyes and ears open.
Or go down the pub tonight and buy it back for a £10.
its not the chrome wing mirrors cover they stole , its the little parking mirror cover , it at the end of the bonnet on the passengers side
Plenty of them mirrors . You have to go to Red lion auto;s.:lol :lol :lol :lol:lol:lol
O by the way they only open at night :lol:lol :lol