The heartbreaking side to dog ownership

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Feb 9, 2008
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Was a very sad day on Tuesday just gone as we had to make the heartbreaking decision of having our old dalmatian put to sleep.
R.I.P Poppy:(
R.I.P Poppy!!! :rose

I have fond memories of that dog as she was on every laning trip I've ever been to. Whenever in convoy behind you I used to love seeing her head pop up in the rear window. She must be have been as whacky as me because as soon as you slipped the 4WD lever into low range, she always seemed to spring to her feet :lol :lol

She'll always be in my heart and memories and we'll do something special in her memory on the next meet :thumbs
It is always hard to lose a pet, especially when you have to take the decision to terminate their life, but you cannot let them suffer, out of the 5 jacks that we had prior to the current Rusty and Suza, we only had to terminate one, the others died naturally with no problems, all at around 14.5 years, feel for you mate, Rusty has spent the evening washing the sand out of my feet, Rick
R.I.P Poppy!!! :rose

I have fond memories of that dog as she was on every laning trip I've ever been to. Whenever in convoy behind you I used to love seeing her head pop up in the rear window. She must be have been as whacky as me because as soon as you slipped the 4WD lever into low range, she always seemed to spring to her feet :lol :lol

She'll always be in my heart and memories and we'll do something special in her memory on the next meet :thumbs

Cheers mate !!
Been on almost every laning trip and holiday we have ever had.
Won't be the same without her thats for sure.
It is always hard to lose a pet, especially when you have to take the decision to terminate their life, but you cannot let them suffer, out of the 5 jacks that we had prior to the current Rusty and Suza, we only had to terminate one, the others died naturally with no problems, all at around 14.5 years, feel for you mate, Rusty has spent the evening washing the sand out of my feet, Rick

Was a hard call to make but her back legs had given out.
Could no longer get up or stand on her own.
Would have been cruel to let her suffer.
With things how they are the vet came out to the car and gave her the injection while she lay in one of her favourite places,streched out in the back of the terrano.
She loved going out on our adventures with us:thumb2
Well done then mate she went out with what she loved, I always remember Mutley when he went, he was a raging bruiser but so clean in the house, he crawled outside during the night to die, Rick
There part of the family its always a big loss.

Dogs grow up as we age and we share our lives with them as pseudo humans. My late father told me that it's the greatest act of love when you have the courage to do the right thing for your dog rather than for yourself. We have had three dogs put down in our life so far with two who have died at home. Our first dog Snoopy a GSD is buried in the back garden - all the rest were cremated - we have the ashes in small caskets in the loft. We still laugh at the photos from when they were pups doing something daft in the garden when looking for other photos. They stir our memories in so many ways. Even though we now have 5 Chihuahuas - they are all so different just like people with their own personalities. I think they all Rip in doggy heaven Poppy will be at peace.