Tablets and iPads

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Sep 20, 2004
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OK the long running debate between Android and Apple IOS.

I have an android phone and for a while now I've been a bit concerned about my privacy and my data being private. Now I know authorities keep tabs on us and that is a completely different issue.
Have you ever read the T&C's of Apps when they want to update? they want access to YOUR contacts, text's, to send text's in some cases, emails, your camera, your files, your location and the rest. Basically they want to have the ability to see all your private data. Now I don't like this and have removed most apps, even tried with a lot of the Samsung apps but they just get reinstalled again. It's like Facebook app, I use FB in a very limited way because I'm aware of their data collection and people finding me and wanting to be friends, sorry by the way if you've ever sent me a friend request I don't do the lots of friends thing so it's nothing personal. FB it wants me to log in so that it can access my phone contacts and add them to my FB contacts, err no!!!!!.

So I fancy a tablet. Both Android and IOS have their advantages.

Android are cheap and some are good quality and Samsung's would pair up nicely with my phone. However the big problem is I have not found a way of installing apps and being able to say no sod off you aint having my data.

Apple iPads are a lot more money but are none the less a nicely put together bit of kit and so they should be at those prices. I been told by a couple of people that actually you can control what data apps can access with apple devices.

So I don't really want to know that people don't care what data they take but I do want to know peoples opinions and experiences on the issue of privacy with these toys and if apple is the way to go if I want to control data access.

OK the long running debate between Android and Apple IOS.

I have an android phone and for a while now I've been a bit concerned about my privacy and my data being private. Now I know authorities keep tabs on us and that is a completely different issue.
Have you ever read the T&C's of Apps when they want to update? they want access to YOUR contacts, text's, to send text's in some cases, emails, your camera, your files, your location and the rest. Basically they want to have the ability to see all your private data. Now I don't like this and have removed most apps, even tried with a lot of the Samsung apps but they just get reinstalled again. It's like Facebook app, I use FB in a very limited way because I'm aware of their data collection and people finding me and wanting to be friends, sorry by the way if you've ever sent me a friend request I don't do the lots of friends thing so it's nothing personal. FB it wants me to log in so that it can access my phone contacts and add them to my FB contacts, err no!!!!!.

So I fancy a tablet. Both Android and IOS have their advantages.

Android are cheap and some are good quality and Samsung's would pair up nicely with my phone. However the big problem is I have not found a way of installing apps and being able to say no sod off you aint having my data.

Apple iPads are a lot more money but are none the less a nicely put together bit of kit and so they should be at those prices. I been told by a couple of people that actually you can control what data apps can access with apple devices.

So I don't really want to know that people don't care what data they take but I do want to know peoples opinions and experiences on the issue of privacy with these toys and if apple is the way to go if I want to control data access.


If you want freedom i would go android all the way, unless your gonna jailbreak an ipad? Ive got the s3 and ive got a pad, the s3 is more like a computer, the ipad is more starter friendly. I believe you have full control over data sent too.
If you want freedom i would go android all the way, unless your gonna jailbreak an ipad? Ive got the s3 and ive got a pad, the s3 is more like a computer, the ipad is more starter friendly. I believe you have full control over data sent too.

Well if someone can show me how to turn off the data feedback sent back to the app manufacturers then I'd be happier.

I wouldn't call my S3 computer like in the way it operates, to be honest I hate the thing but I'm stuck with it for a while longer yet. I'm not saying I'd be any happier with an iphone either. I find the S3 slow to do anything, feels like I'm stood there waiting for it though it's probably only a second or two.

That said I'm thinking about a tablet at the moment. I only want freedom not to share my data with app manufacturers or companies that manufacture the operating system or phone hardware. I don't do any kind of programming and not a game player either.
I have iPad 2 and iPhone 4S. They work very well together and are very intuitive. I've never read any instructions because it is just obvious how to do stuff.
I don't get all this anti Apple stuff that goes on and I have never actually used Android stuff so can't say which is best. I like what I have enough not to contemplate changing at the moment.

Never had any issues that I know of regarding data collection. No doubt some goes on but I change any settings there are to prevent it. If an app asks for access to my contacts I either refuse or don't install it.
As far as I can tell, apps ask for access first, they certainly seem to anyway.
I bought galaxy tab2 its really good and i used to use it all the time until i got motorola moto g phone i havent used it since the phone does everything the tablet does and i can make calls:clap
these days Jim, I wouldn't bother with all the privacy crap - its a tablet, don't put your contacts on there and who gives a sh*t if Apple or Google know where you are or where you are surfing the internet? I mean really?>?

I personally couldn't care less what data of mine they grab, I just enjoy the devices for what they are.

personally, I think Apple make some superb devices. The iPad is extremely well designed, well built, uses quality parts and is supported extremely well. IOS is a brilliant OS, and APP store has quality software due to Apples restrictions.

Android is very good, I do like it and I use it everyday on phones, tablets and computers. I would say neither OS is better than the other, though the simple fact is IOS is smoother and less buggy - Android is buggy because its sort of open source, which just leaves it wide open for crappy apps and programming. I personally get all my devices unlocked and put on a modified OS such as CyanogenMod etc as this improves things greatly and security is much better.

as far as the hardware is concerned, Android wins all day long for choice and spec of hardware. This is both good and bad. Bad because there is just so much crap out there its unbelievable, good because the good stuff is REALLY good, and cheaper.

Jim, you need to play with some devices, you can borrow my Yoga 10 if you want for a week, that's got Android 4.3 on it so as a device its a good example of the sort of Android hardware is out there. I can lend you an iPhone, but that's not really the same as an iPad!
Like what you said about Apples quality control for the app store. Thanks for the offer of the loan but I'll be fine ta. More concerned with privacy and keeping me private. Not interested in Jail Breaking or Unlocking devices, would rather keep them standard and simple.

Some interesting replies so far, ta.
As you may remember I recently got the lenovo Yoga tablet, what a thing :D
Battery life is unbeatable, and it's pretty :rolleyes:
Personaly very happy with android and all it's freeness. I always get apps via app brain and only after googling them 1st. never had an issue. I use Lookout security app thingy that checks all downloads and reports the last position of my phone or tablet if the battery dies and takes a pic of any would be thief trying to guess my pin if it gets nicked. It can also scramble all my secret info etc :clap
My sister has apple every thing but the i phone is just on the hunt for mains back up all the time. I'm no expert but it does seem more work doing stuff on the ipad than on my android :nenau My S4 is so quick and battery will go a couple of days easy :sly
I don't like the way Apple will bleed you all the time for anything you want to run, and don't get me started on bloody itunes :doh
Well just been out looking at Tablets. I've checked the iPads and sure enough I can see a control that turns off the giving all my life story away to App manufacturers. Battery life on iPads is supposed to be 10 hours, even half that would be fine for me anyway and I like the size of the iPad, the mini is a bit too small for me. Checked out the Samsung's with the same size screen and to be honest there wasn't much price difference between them at that size.
They didn't have the Lenovo and I've also heard Clivvy saying how good the battery life is.

One thing I've heard a couple of people talk about is the freedom of android. Can anyone explain what that means?

Android freedom isn't quite what it sounds like. Android OS is Linux based, and as such has a certain degree of open source, which means people can repackage the OS as they please - which is why I unlock mine so I can put on the latest modified OS. More people can make software for Android than they can for Apple BUT it does mean there is a horrendous amount of shite in the Play Store, and by contrast some superb software too. Android OS far far more customizable as it is, iOS is much more locked down BUT this isn't such a bad thing either because it means you are less likely to screw up your device-Apple want an experience that is the same for all users, Android want the freedom for its users.
I have the original Nexus 7, brilliant as a sat nav with Google maps
Recently updated itself to Android 4.4.2
I tether it to my phone to get wifi via 3g if I cant find free wifi
I have the original Nexus 7, brilliant as a sat nav with Google maps
Recently updated itself to Android 4.4.2
I tether it to my phone to get wifi via 3g if I cant find free wifi

I agree, I bought my partners sister a Nexus 7 (the original one) and she loves it, its brilliant. VERY fast, got all the kit built in that you need - only thing missing is a front facing camera but only the very latest tablets have front facing cameras WORTH bothering with - im thinking in terms of off road recording :)