Supercharger !

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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2008
Here's one for the collective :augie
Anybody got any idea what donor car I could liberate a supercharger from to make my mav go fast :sly
I fancy a challenge :lol
Here's one for the collective :augie
Anybody got any idea what donor car I could liberate a supercharger from to make my mav go fast :sly
I fancy a challenge :lol

I think the reasons superchargers aren't used on diesels, in cars anyway, are (i) worse fuel economy than a turbo, and (ii) the fact that it sucks up to 30% of the engines power in just running itself, so the turbo is actually more efficient.

get a caravan instead. :kissy
I know that, what I meant was to use one as well :sly Sort of squirt air at it pre turbo boost level :augie
Fuel economy :lol sorry what :augie mine went ages ago, hence the bio :cool:
Leave it with the tin tenting :hmh
The new mini uses a small eaton M45 blower.
some Jags use blowers but they will be too big
I know that, what I meant was to use one as well :sly Sort of squirt air at it pre turbo boost level :augie
Fuel economy :lol sorry what :augie mine went ages ago, hence the bio :cool:
Leave it with the tin tenting :hmh

I'm sure its feasible, but cheaper to buy a s/h Cayenne I suspect LOL:thumbs

<object width='428' height='352' classid='clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000' id='SFID016554228495806456'><param name='movie' value='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' /><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always' /><param name='wmode' value='transparent' /><param name='allowfullscreen' value='true' /><param name='FlashVars' value='&video=62a20ace-cf2e-4ac8-b2ce-48958888e5a5&servicecfg=386'/><embed src='' flashvars='video=62a20ace-cf2e-4ac8-b2ce-48958888e5a5&servicecfg=386' allowfullscreen='true' wmode='transparent' width='428' height='352' allowscriptaccess='always' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage='' /></object><br/><a href=''>Supercharged and Turbocharged used together.</a>
The new mini uses a small eaton M45 blower.
some Jags use blowers but they will be too big

I looked at the M45 but it only rated up to 2.0 litre:augie but the M62 is the right sort of capacity(2.5 - 4.0) and has an electric clutch:sly That may be I could tweek to switch the s/c in and out of circuit:rolleyes:

May also sound stupid but I've found some german co. making electric s/c that'll boost about 3psi and fit inline:clap
I would have thought twin turbo's would be better ? Small one for low revs and the larger one for higher revs.
Or a hybrid variable scroll one ?

In larger diesel engine circles for competition type work, afew have experiemented with compound charging using a s/c + turbo, where they want boost right from idle from what I can gather eg drag racing.

The plumbing is: airfilter- turbo - sc - engine. The general consensus is you need a bypass valve and electric mag clutch.

Apparently you can be sat at idle with +5psi or more of boost ready to go, with a large turbo waiting in the wings already half spooled from the s/c's effort.

Theory is you would size and gear the s/c such that just as the turbo is spooled you cut out the clutch, open the bypass and the turbo takes over.

My 2pences-worth for road use is that a good compounded turbo setup with the primary turbo a vgt type would be the way to go in the case of a strong DI engine. The 2.7 IDI is not a valid candidate though, given you can be running 50psi boost pressure easily with such a setup, unless you dropped the compression ratio substantially.
Cool, that's pretty much what I managed to find around the variuos nutta forums:thumbs
Couldnt work out the bypass control yet. Sussed out the electro clutch bit:D
Not really trying too hard for a screamer, just a little extra low down boost pre turbo is all. I do still miss petrol :naughty

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