Picked up a couple of cheap bits on ebay and got them fitted today,
- el cheapo spoiler for £25 quid, used, sprayed a fitted it myself, not the neatest of jobs, first time spraying but happy enough.
(the spoiler on the Rav4 was done professionally)
- thule bike rack, again used, didn't fit their Rav4 but fits the Terrano spare wheel nicely - also means I can still open the door too when in use (was looking at the Witter towbar ones before).
- couple of weekends ago, changed the swan neck towbar for a decent flange one with guard, a lot better plus I can now hitch up the farm trailer (pin fitting).
- el cheapo spoiler for £25 quid, used, sprayed a fitted it myself, not the neatest of jobs, first time spraying but happy enough.
(the spoiler on the Rav4 was done professionally)
- thule bike rack, again used, didn't fit their Rav4 but fits the Terrano spare wheel nicely - also means I can still open the door too when in use (was looking at the Witter towbar ones before).
- couple of weekends ago, changed the swan neck towbar for a decent flange one with guard, a lot better plus I can now hitch up the farm trailer (pin fitting).