Hi, well I finally picked up the T2 this afternoon and now its time to start fixing all the little things!
First up is the sun shade to the sunroof. The bit you normally slide shut to stop glare through the roof. Well, on mine it seems to have got stuck. It seems like it might have come off its rails. Either way it wont come out no matter how much i pull it!
Has anyone had a similar prob, and more importantly, please tell me I can get it out without completely dismantling the roof lining!!!
First up is the sun shade to the sunroof. The bit you normally slide shut to stop glare through the roof. Well, on mine it seems to have got stuck. It seems like it might have come off its rails. Either way it wont come out no matter how much i pull it!
Has anyone had a similar prob, and more importantly, please tell me I can get it out without completely dismantling the roof lining!!!