Steering Linkage

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Terrano 2, has anybody had problems with the cross rod and tie rods on the steering linkage.

I have done 90,000 miles and mechanic said there is 25MM play on the wheels.

If there is a problem does anyone know of a good pparts supplier (cheap)


GaryB said:
I have done 90,000 miles and mechanic said there is 25MM play on the wheels.


Do you mean play on the steering wheel or the road wheels
You must struggle to hold steering wheel, and front tyre ware must be in hundreds of miles not thousands miles.
Mine has excessive play on the n/s front wheel and ive decided that its the idler arm thats at fault as its flexing so a new one is been fitted at the weekend and ive also just finished fab a box for it to mount in to aid it from flexing got it from milner 4x4 of this site.Will try and post some pics when its done
rsaddo said:
Mine has excessive play on the n/s front wheel and ive decided that its the idler arm thats at fault as its flexing so a new one is been fitted at the weekend and ive also just finished fab a box for it to mount in to aid it from flexing got it from milner 4x4 of this site.Will try and post some pics when its done

I got one off milner and guess what the bolt holes didn't line up properly :twisted: They even had the cheak to say it was my truck that was at fault, told me to drill bigger holes to make it fit and sometimes this happens :twisted: (I'm being polite hear) I declined instructions and asked for one that fitted or was going to threaten physical violence, got a new one which fitted correctly :wink:

My steering has slight play and new idler made no difference, just doesn't creek when its hot.

gego said:
rsaddo said:
Mine has excessive play on the n/s front wheel and ive decided that its the idler arm thats at fault as its flexing so a new one is been fitted at the weekend and ive also just finished fab a box for it to mount in to aid it from flexing got it from milner 4x4 of this site.Will try and post some pics when its done

I got one off milner and guess what the bolt holes didn't line up properly :twisted: They even had the cheak to say it was my truck that was at fault, told me to drill bigger holes to make it fit and sometimes this happens :twisted: (I'm being polite hear) I declined instructions and asked for one that fitted or was going to threaten physical violence, got a new one which fitted correctly :wink:

My steering has slight play and new idler made no difference, just doesn't creek when its hot.

Yeh read about that not good,this one fits fine ive also made a supporting cage for it as its flexing the whole assembly :smile:
jace said:
You must struggle to hold steering wheel, and front tyre ware must be in hundreds of miles not thousands miles.

No, the steering is fine no wobble on the wheels, there is a very small amount of ware on the tyres.
gego said:
I got one off milner and guess what the bolt holes didn't line up properly :twisted: They even had the cheak to say it was my truck that was at fault, told me to drill bigger holes to make it fit and sometimes this happens :twisted: (I'm being polite hear) I declined instructions and asked for one that fitted or was going to threaten physical violence, got a new one which fitted correctly :wink:

This happened to me too, picked one up from them yesterday and fited it this afternoon, no time to send for another one so I have modded it to fit.

Do you by any chance have the part number of the correct one that they sent you in the end as I'm going to email them to tell em about this problem.
Well you are not alone my cross rod joint to the idler arm is shot, mind you so is the idler arm. So last night I ordered the idler arm from Milners and looked at there cross rod but the picture is not very good and I could not see if it comes with the two joints one for the idler arm and one for the pitman arm. So I checked with fords today yes they do one it has the two joints fitted and it is with vat over£200 anyway after getting back up of the floor I told them I will think about it, so back home e-mail Milners does it come with two joints fitted reply no! so I got my mate to look at the picture on line he says yes there is definately something fitted in each end and he can only see one hole at each end so have ordered one and now we will see, unless anyone has had one from Milners and can say yes it has the two joints fitted to put my mind at rest, but ford say those two joints are factory fitted.
Mine from Milners was exactly the right piece(cross rod) It is a rod that goes into a 'y' at the end with 1No ball joint bolt thing at each end. Mechanic said it was a bargin at £57 we have no VAT in Guernsey. Just had to have the wheels realigned as the car was very skittish after fitting.

Gary B
Thanks Gary B you have put my mind at rest I dont know what the guy at Milners was on about probably never even seen or used a spanner in his life.

scooter said:

is that price for track rod ends right? £2.70? if so ill buy a couple of them please ha ha, but my T2 has play in steering when i hit 45 - 60 mph i get vibration in streeting wheel. also at stand still if i turn streeting wheel say from 12oclock position to 10 and from 12 to 2 very little movement at wheels if any. same problem?
Cross rod arrived this morning on the car re MOTed this afternoon and a pass. :lol: :smile: :smile: :smile:

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