Starting problems

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If I try to start normally engine turns slowly and groans. (New Battery). So I have to switch off ignition wait for the click of the relay then start. It starts instantly. I have changed glow plugs but not yet the relay.(£40). Anyone any cheap suggestions? thanks.
Just ordered some glow plugs myself as the past few cold mornings the car has been slow to start.
Even put an old duvet over the engine last night to keep the frost of... :?
As i needed to be up early!!
I don't hear the relay over the glowplug light sounder :| :|
I know it's a stupid question but are you waiting till the light goes out??
Have to ask :wink: :lol: :lol:
yes light out first time and turn ignition...groans!!! so swithch off ignition and about 5-8 seconds later a click is heard from relay. Turn ignition on, light out and goes like a dream!!!!
TBH i've never heard my relay click :? It is sometimes a bit lumpy on start up after a really cold night so I think mine maybe due a set of glow plugs :roll:
ok clean the terminals on the starter motor clean the earth straps... sounds like a lazy starter motor to me