I finally got my insurance company to accept my 2nd Battery,
Read about it on this thread....
It is not a good idea to link 2 batteries together and then leave them connected.
OK if they are being charged, or whilst starting, but not when you leave the vehicle overnight or longer etc.
Reason being, unless both batteries are the same, ie an identical pair from new, there will be a discharge from one battery to the other untill both batteries have the same terminal voltage.
(Boat batteries are linked in parallel and they have no major issues as all the batteries are the same type and capacity.)
This in the long term could result in the discharge of both batteries, much quicker than leaving them isolated from each other.:doh
A leisure battery has not the same internal construction as deep discharge, or traction , or starter batteries.
My second battery is charged using a split charger I made myself using a 40 Amp relay, and if required the second battery is pulled in from a remote push button switch using an old starter solenoid... see above post.
One of the reasons Insurance companies don't like 2 batteries is that some require an Electrical engineer to do an inspection, to ensure there isn't a fire hazard. Then issue a certificate.....
They don't bother with extra wiring for lights or high powered sockets for the caravan. :doh
Best regards, Rustic