Slides to digital

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2010
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In clearing out my dad's things following his death, I've come accross a large number of 35mm slides. Boy do they bring back memories of a happy childhood!

I've got a projector, so have been able to see them in all their glory. What a great format it was/is. However I want to share the images with grandchildren etc. So need to digitise the best ones.

I know there are various bits of it available and some scanners will cope with them. Does anyone have any experience of doing this - anyone got any advice about the best kit. I don't want to use a commercial service on account of cost and an ability to prioritise!!
I recently went down the same road, finding a collection of slides at my sisters' home after she was diagnosed with Alzheimers and had to go into sheltered accomodation.
I had a look at a device sold by Maplins for £40 which simply plugged into a usb socket. This will digitize 35mm slides & negatives.
I then looked on eBay and found several variations on the same theme, but cheaper. I bought one costing just over £30, and am delighted with the results. The software included allows you to improve the quality of the photos, and have so far digitized around 30 slides, saving them on cd and producing prints for other members of the family.
Next job is to start on my own slide collection (100s).
All in all a good buy.
I bought my other half a slide scanner a few years back, probably a very similar one to Terranicals, and its very good and inexpensive.
Also extremely simple to use, place 4 slides into ladder type holder, press one button, move the "ladder" to the next slide, press the button and so on.
pal of mine is converting his slide collection.

got a fancy usb unit few years ago, takes
one at a time quite a manual process.

oh an cost 200 quid plus.

thinking of my (from parents) collection, we
have a projector that takes cassetes of slides

is there an adaptor for projectors, didnt there
used to be a prism sort of unit for converting
cine to camcorder, that could use.

presume has to be a special stills camera to
have remote shurrter control
Best solution as mentioned is a proper scanner that has a separate attachment to cope with film negatives and slides.
I use a slide scanner that plugs into your usb, load up the software and away you go.

Prob find s/h on ebay as once you have loaded all your slides you wont need it any more,

regards bri
Thanks for the input....

.... think I'll buy one of the USB gizmo's.