Skype is great - far betterthan MSN IMHO.
I've got a skype phone from 3 Mobile, can call anywhere in the world skype to skype for free. Use it to talk to my olds in Ireland but also use the chat (MSN style) whilst out and about.
Have got webcam on laptop for use at home so Amy can talk to Grandma, also got skype in number for business purposes so I have a lanline I can answer anywhere I have internet access. Also Skype out so I can call landlines anywhere in the world local rate.
I use skype for the call out txts for Humber-Yorks 4x4Response. If you've ever had a text of me from sptbentley rather than my number that came from skype but also set it up to send from other controllers numbers too at times.
All in I'm a fan.