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Sep 6, 2008
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Theyre covering the Rothbury / Raoul Moat thing live.

Apparently Paul Gascoigne is en route to assist in negotiations , being a friend of moats.

Can it get any more surreal ?
apparently blew his own head off and pronounced dead at the hospital.

it seems he has a fan club as there was people waiting at the hospital for his arrival chanting his name.

i'm listening to some guy on skynews atm and i want to fuffing shoot him myself, he is constantly dissing the police and believes they failed miserable, he says then basically said the ordinary bobby on the street should be trained with guns like the specially trained police as they get paid the same and are cowards he just ranting a load of trollop.
well im deliberately not reading about it... tuesday this week i sat and had a coffee in the site canteen pretty ordinary day, then the CSA give me a ring . telling me im an absent parent and i have to cough up loads of money. they based there assessment on me having no overnight access to my girls .
i explained im not absent im denied access even with a court order and loads of court documents showing i've made every effort to have staying access . the CSA wont listen nor re assess (fairly)

so obviously not the best time to be reading about some bloke who thinks he's not allowed to see his kids

the point im making is .
i have a court order . saying i have access to my girls. yet the police are powerless. now if i had any other court order ie to keep away from an area or shop or something ... they would arrest me

so this leaves the police open to the likes of me and this bloke ( and i stopped reading very early on ) who see the law as . contributing to you not seeing your kids..

and yes i've been down the station inviting the coppers out. for a good kicking. on several occasions .
im lucky they refused to come out, cos they was getting some and i wouldnt have stopped easily.

the trouble is you discussing PURE RAGE and its my guess there are plenty of people out there who feel the police dont and cant hand out justice. they are tied up with stupid laws and red tape.
when you go home and calm down you see that
in my case my ex wife can hide behind the civil law bollocks. and if i do anything but shut up . id fall into the criminal law ( and the police will act and heavily)

i was lucky the local sergeant of the station spent the time to ring me and invite me to the station to try and sort it out. and he did very well
i still go to the station every fortnight to get ref numbers and they are all very helpfull. but they all know me and see whats happening .

but if the sergeant had not spent the time with me and nipped it in the bud ... i know things would have got worse.
so i can see where this bloke is. really i can once your in that RAGE nothing will stop you and he'd already killed so no way out.

its a bloody shame ive tried the courts . the police . the internet. for counceling and there is no help out there

i even went to the local vicar yesterday as i cant deal with the injustice of it all ( the system) and they are trying to find me help .... and im a complete atheist

its the coppers i feel sorry for. there are plenty of people out there just as angry as me . and lots worse .... and the system is letting them down and the police who have to be the publics first point of contact for the laws of the land . they are sent out without proper protection from maniacs who the system has created

oh and to finish of i went to collect my girls today still armed with my court order everyone worked full time for 9 months to get .... and still no kids today

but im dealing with it somehow slowly:thumbs
I can see your point. this whole thing with Moat just isnt quite what it seems, theres clearly more to it. I know nothing more than reports on tv/news papers, but it seems to me that its not as straight cut as Moat being a nutter threfore hes a murderer end of. Seems the whole shitty system this country is involved in has got the better of him, or is it that it tipped him well over the edge? Could it have been avoided? I do wonder. People are too quick to judge the guy who doing the shouting (not being specific to Moat) without getting the facts. The system should recognise it when a person is being pushed over the edge, and act appropriatly, not put them away or hound them.

any hoo, what do I know. I just find it all very sad.
Lets get one thing straight about this bloke. The reason he went inside and did time and his girlfriend, the mother of his child , binned hiom was very simple.

He was convicted of beating up, for want of a better description , the ten year old child.
are these gags then?

best i've heard is every week isn't caught the reward goes up by as much again,
a raoul over?

other one I was heard was that the fish shop in Rothbury was closed for security but it would reopen and you could have a fishy on a little dishy when the moat comes in ;)

Did anyone hear about Gazza turning up pissed wearing a dressing gown and carrying a fishing rod :D:eek:

Apparently true :lol:lol:lol:lol
Lets get one thing straight about this bloke. The reason he went inside and did time and his girlfriend, the mother of his child , binned hiom was very simple.

He was convicted of beating up, for want of a better description , the ten year old child.

and clearly did not get the help he required while inside

AGAIN the system failed him . and AGAIN the system has failed the the victims and the police...
and clearly did not get the help he required while inside

AGAIN the system failed him . and AGAIN the system has failed the the victims and the police...

Anyone who reaches the point where theyre jailed for that , bearing in mind how hard it is to get to jail!!!!!! and then chose to do what he did is not worthy of sympathy.

He is not a victim of any failings in any sense. He had ,albeit diminishing, control of his destiny at all times, he chose to abandon basic human decency.

Sorry mate but we'll have to agree to disagree, dont want to get into an argument over it :thumb2

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