Sill replacement advice

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Jan 19, 2011
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Hi guys, unfortunately my Terrano has recently failed the MOT partly on the inner and outer sill rot.

I did replace about half of them about 5-6 years ago when I bought the car but they have unfortunately fallen foul to the dreaded tin worm once again.

So.....I was initially thinking chop out the old rotten sill sections and rebuild but what kind of job is it to remove the sills and replace with box section?
What dimension of box section is used, does it then need to be completely seam welded the full length on both inner and out sill sections?

Any help or advice would be much appreciated and pictures if anybody has any of the finished job
The best thread that I saw was makeitfits rock slider thread, do a search it'll come up. Think if memory serves me right he had a local fabricator make up some shaped box section.
On my first truck we took it to a welder in Barnsley who made up some new sills inner and outer and fitted them. Can't remember how much he charged but it was very cheap and they're still going very strong now.

I guess it depends what you want, a neat standard look or a rugged tonka toy look. An easy option would be to maybe use 80x40mm box section and simply cut the old sills out and weld these in place.

A good idea to check and repair the body mounts at the same time rather than revisiting a year or so later.

From. The experience of the project truck I personally would pack between the chassis and the truck floor to give extra support. Also think about the weight of the doors on the a and b posts, remove the sill from below them and they'll want to drop.

Sunroof drains run into the front of the sills too, good time to maybe route them to the outside world.
Hi guys, thanks for the replies

I did think that the mk2 or 3 fiesta sills were similar.
I aren't looking for a perfectly cosmetic finish, that's why I thought maybe the box section idea...
Also thinking about our old truck that has had replacement sills fitted. It has straight bends to form the shape rather than the sort of curves of the original so there isn't as much space for your feet on the side steps, only a minor concern but you may use your steps.
Its alot of work and if not on a ramp bloody hard work, it depends how long you want to keep the truck and how much you want to keep the truck on the road. You will also need to replace some of the body mounts i would suspect.. just measure up the sills and find some box section a similar size, as said before its an ideal time to incorporate rock sliders/jackable sills. I am almost certain it will need seam welding as any welding nowadays has to be.
i have always been told that repair patches have to be seam welded but if you are fitting a complete repair panel this can be spot welded like the original as long as the panel is a complete panel ie in one piece on all original spot welds i find it easier to replace a panel than have to seam weld a patch just my practise now
Start cutting and find out what you need. No easy way about it to be honest.

As said some of the body mounts might need replacing
Hi guys, today the cutting begun.....
I have now cut out pretty much all of the rot, the passenger side was the worst, with about 1000mm in length both inner and out lost to the dreaded tin worm, the drivers side faired a little better with about 300mm of the outer and similar on the inner but different location and a small patch on the outer half way down the sill.

I am gunna try and pick some steel up tomorrow and hopefully start the rebuilding process.

I will try and take some pics as I go along

Well mate, from my experience today I can honestly say the strong sills stood up very well indeed. Don't forget the body mountings as well.