service kit

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where's the best place to get a service kit from ie air filter oil filter fuel filter never done a service me self but with 108000 on the clock fed up with garage charges going to have a go meself
gonna depend where you are in world unless u want mail order which seems pain in the ass to me a local motor factors or if work have workshops see if one lads in there can get some trade through works suplier
ok just looked on ebay kit on there for about 25 thats with postage will ring moter factors in camberley tomorrow cherrs barry
I tend to use Halfords for convieniance, but £25 from E bay looks good providing they fit :roll:
well typed in terrano service kit and two came up one was a bit cheeper but didnt look to good
ebay good but if they dont fit its a bit of tough luck bound to be from other end country ! murphys law!
yeh thats the only problem i give the local factors a try let you know
I allways get my filter kits from milners, and my engine oil from the local oil and fuel depot. 5 gallons engine oil for £43.00 you cant beat that anywhere. if you ring them and ask for engine oil for your vehicle, give them make model etc etc, and the milage they will recomend the oil suitable for your vehicle... made the world of difference to my terrano and my pocket....
mr-gadget said:
5 gallons engine oil for £43.00 you cant beat that anywhere.

Hope thats a fully synth cos even if it is it sounds abit pricey to me.

I use valvoline racing 20W/50, which has been recommended to me for older engines (mines a petrol, and the Mav/T2 lump, is pretty archaic compared to todays 16valvers) by a number of engine builders and thats about £18 for 5L IIRC. What are you getting for £43 and I'll check my local stockist for a price, going there tomorrow.

EDIT: Note further reply below.
i can get the oil very cheep as im a lorry driver and we use 15 40 diesel oil so that saves a fortune
Looks like someones getting confused with gallons and litres, 5 gallons £43, 5 litres £18. .................should have stuck to gils :roll:
cameraman said:
Looks like someones getting confused with gallons and litres, 5 gallons £43, 5 litres £18. .................should have stuck to gils :roll:

Yep you're right, quick read. That is cheap then.
very nice people they had a set of bull bars made for me as they were discontinued i have bought shocks of them for the mistral literally no room in shop to swing cat! jam packed with goodies!!
just recived mine from milners full filter kit £10 and 2 fan belts at £4 each great service too.
Hi All

Just used Milners for first time.Bought full service kit for £17 including postage.Unfortuanstly I got wrong filters as mine is 96 model.It appears that there were changes to engine and therfore I ended getting filters for post 96 model rather than pre 96.Anyway phoned Milners and explained problem. They could,nt do enough for me. Its not until you have a problem when you realy see how good a company is.They weere fantastic and immediatly posted me correct filters.I would highly recommend their service although time will tell how good quality of product is.