server 2003

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<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td><a href=""><img src="" height="108" width="144" /></a></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From <a href="">£10 desk off ebay!</a></td></tr></table>
has been sat around for flippin ages becuase num nuts here has forgot the password to loginto it and due to house burnin down about 2 yrs ago no disks,no warranty left from dell how the feck can i get into it there is nothing on it as never got round to ever using it lol!
Best bet is, if it came from Dell you should have a serial key on a sticker on the case somewhere for the OS. If you do you can use any Media be it from Torrents or Newsgroups to boot from disk and reinstall the OS using your legit key.

The software itself isnt illegal its the key.

If you dont want to reformat the machine then you should be able to Google password recovery disks, you can download and boot from these and they will let you reset the admin password - I think you can get these for free.
i got a linux disk of ebay its saying theres no admin pass word ,i had all disks in desk draw but the upstairs of old hose ended up as the downstairs during the fire server was under stairs and survived pcs upstairs one survived but hard drive was clogged with smoke an debris!
Have you tried just pressing enter ? If it's never been used it shouldn't have a password set ? ailing that, download hirens boot cd, password reset.
i got it set it up put in username/password at prompt and put it away again waiting for my mate whos it manager to come sort the whole house just never got round to it and then events overtook me,its in box in loft at mo out the way kids lol,i nearly put xp on it so it had some use lol