mrogers said:
if I bought this|66:2|65:12|240:1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14
could I test it myself. Not 100% sure on the fitiment re for my engine.
That definitely looks a though it would do the trick, its got steppers for different sized plug threads.
Have you been using much oil?
You need to know what the compresion is on the 2.4 and what the upper and lower limits are. Sorry I've just checked my book and I've only got the diesel ones.
Fit that gauge into the spark plug hole and crank it over. You'll get a reading. Do it for all four than compare them. They should be within limits and within 10% of each other.
If one or all are out of those limits, run the test again. This time on each one put a drop of engine oil down the spark plug hole into the bore. If this raises the compression it means your bores/pistons are worn or a piston ring has gone.
If the oil makes no difference at all it be cylinder head/valves.
Thats about as far as you can reasonably diagnose with out taking it to bits.
There could of course be other mechanical reasons why this is happening but generally they'll display other symptons too.
The reason I've posted all that blurb is if you want to check it out for your own interest that gauge will do it (I would :wink: ) otherwise save your dosh.
Hope that helps and good luck.
Sorry I thought I'd mentioned earlier, but its all part of the diagnostics, make sure the crank case vent/breather is not blocked it'll possibly have a filter somewhere within it, check that aint blocked. I dont think it would cause massive pressure but it contribute.