Within a minute of gaining access to the full site I had saved my £10 subscription...one of the workshop downloads detailed how to fix my knackered heater speed control....it cost nothing but 15 minutes of my time and I saved £35 for cost of new speed control rheostat...amazing..
If you own a Teranno or Ford Maverick...this is an excellent resource and fountain of knowledge about these vehicles.
The site has a good search facility so you can find the answers/solutions to many many faults that you may encounter during ownership of your vehicle. Someone is more than likely to have already experienced your particular problem and have provided a solution.
Great site ..well worth joining..I simply would not be without the help of other owners no matter what vehicle I owned...so since acquiring the Maverick I have no regrets joining this club. Helpful and friendly members.
If you own a Teranno or Ford Maverick...this is an excellent resource and fountain of knowledge about these vehicles.
The site has a good search facility so you can find the answers/solutions to many many faults that you may encounter during ownership of your vehicle. Someone is more than likely to have already experienced your particular problem and have provided a solution.
Great site ..well worth joining..I simply would not be without the help of other owners no matter what vehicle I owned...so since acquiring the Maverick I have no regrets joining this club. Helpful and friendly members.