rim sizes and tyres

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Nov 30, 2004
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my 96 t2 has 235/75x15s which i believe are just a wider version
of the original 215(/80)x15s.

later models came with 16" rims i think with 235/70. later still 17"s
with unknown profile.

so comparing the 15 & 16s, as 235 wide does the /75 and /70
equate to basically identical tyre height.

Are 16" rims better in someway, seem to recall landy talk years
ago to effect that offered better seal seating or something.

Not bothered about going to 17s as clearly likely less choice in
oversizing and lower profiles will push tyre price up.

Would there be any issue fitting 16s to my t2 and any thoughts
on what would be the next sizes of tyre that would fit standard
rims, little wider and taller without need to lift truck...for now,
or better to stick with 15s and what would suit them please?
In theory theres about 2mm difference beween

235/75/15 and 235/70/16

In practice it will come down to different brands and manufacturing differences.

Loads of moderate sized tyres for 16s.

For big stuff 15 have more available as thats what the yanks use more of.

Not sure of any technical differences over 15/16 though size for size (height/diameter) 15s will give a softer ride due to more sidewall whereas 16s will be a bit more responsive for the same reason, but who drives a 4x4 for its responsive handling.