Retrofitted Cigarette Lighter in Rear :D Thanks Terrano96

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Jul 24, 2012
So I wanted to retrofit a secondary cigarette lighter port in the rear of my centre console. And with a little advice and some pictures from Teranno96 I popped to Halfords last night and gave it a crack.

The cigarette ports were only £1.36 each online but the instore price was close to £9 each :nenau So anyone getting any of these I would advise to utilise the reserve and collect feature.

I also grabbed me 2, 4m Reels of Black and Red 17amp cable and some cable joiners (well that's what I call them)


I got home and started to take the dash apart step by step when I realised that I only needed to remove the black fascia that surrounds the heater vents, stereo and heater controls etc, there were 2 screws behind the ash tray that pulls out and 2 below the stereo, I had to be careful not to pull it out too much as there were looms attached to the rear of it for the heated screens and the hazard lights and also the cigarette lighter cables were attached.

I then removed the centre console to route the cables, this was secured by 6 screws, 2 that can be accessed by pulled up the leather collars for the 2 gear sticks, 2 that can be accessed by lifting up the plastic flap in front of the handbrake and 2 that can be accessed inside the little cubby hole inside the armrest.

Here was a picture of all this out

I then cut enough wire to route it down to the rear of the centre console and proceeded to wire up while my brother "butchered" my centre console with the drill!!!! He's paying for a new one from the scrap yard lol

I decided to loop off the same 12v source to power the bulb as well


Here was then end result when it was all back together, apologies as by this time it was pitch black out (again, please excuse the scuffing below the socket as my brother slipped with the drill :(


What do you think guys :D
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