removing an injector

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2005
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just to let you know 22mm or 7/8 w deep socket.

my no 1 injector was blowing has been for months finaly took it out wire brushed threads refitted ,still blowing . :oops:
reason being a copper washer at bottom of threads the injector seals against ,its been blowing so long that its worn a grove in it.
this meens i am going to have to spend money on it . :cry:

at leased 50p :p :p tha ts if i cannot nick one from work :roll:
hi all.had to take n01 injector out as copper sealing washer was worn out.due to running with injector loose, and blow by burning copper washer away.
not a problem except couldnt get one for 3 days.from main dealer . priced at £1.85 each .
asked at local garage nice man came back with a big box of copper washers .i found a couple straight away.
18mm x3mm + 12mm centre.
worst job was cleaning threads out because a lot of carbon in them .
and getting old washer out. made a hooked end on an old screw driver.
with aid of a blow lamp.
great help cleaning threads out .used copper grease on a piece of rag to remove carbon out of hole once it had been scraped out of threads .
all bolted up and fine now.