Religion eh?

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it is certainly hard to understand and a very sad story, but perhaps too big a debate for here.

unless that's the point :augie
awful for the baby, the baby did not understand or have a choice. very sad. but, more debatable, wont the parents be held responsible for not taking action? Im talking legally?
remaining 7 children ???? guess they dont practice safe sex either??? (that should upset someone :sly:sly:sly)
robbones a jw hes sane....i think! religion a form control and jw not alone in crazy antics look at all the alter boys raped by rc priests theres a imahn just sentenced for sex with young boys ban all religion yet to find one that lets you kill,take/sell drugs or steal!
robbones a jw hes sane....i think! religion a form control and jw not alone in crazy antics look at all the alter boys raped by rc priests theres a imahn just sentenced for sex with young boys ban all religion yet to find one that lets you kill,take/sell drugs or steal!

Just underlines my point really....adults can do what they like, not my concern or business frankly whatever my personal views on it, but you can't impose any extreme belief on a child thats going to potentially result in injury or death.
i dont hold with faith schools for kids maybe a little bit so they know of religion but not ram it down throats as gospel (escuse the punn lol) teach them manners and respect and how to read and write and add upp not mumbo jumbo!
Religion serves a purpose. Some of us have flavours like Christian, Muslim, Pagan et al.

Others who decry religion still religiously follow their team or celebrity.

The opiate that gets you through does not matter, unless you feel you need to inflict on the unwilling or those who cannot choose for themselves.
Totally agree....and lets NOT let this thread get carried I said, its NOT about knocking anyones religion, just the danger of imposing it on innocents.:thumbs
I agree. the problem with the JW religeon (sorry, problem in my opinion) is that blood transfusions are against what they believe. This is very harsh, and the case here an unfortunate example. The arguments are old, and nothing has ever changed, its a real shame and frustrating to read if, like me, you love life, and respect others. here, i see a gross disrespect of a childs life. How can it become so, that this kid was allowed to die when they were very likely to survive with blood transfusion? I get immensly frustrated. i know the worlds a harsh place, but that kid could have grown up, done stuff, expereinced the world and died old, and they have been denied. I blame the parents, not the religeon, becasue peole are stronger than religeon, and can make their own decision, these parents chose not to bother. sick.
on the other hand, I can understand and respect why JW's choose to not use 'blood' it is a complicated issue and not confined to JW's some of the largest and oldest faiths on the planet do the same. It's not something i wold necessarily do myself, but i can respect their point of view.

I think faith is more a personal thing, and what is important is what it means to you, not something to discuss with others (unless you want too) and no about recruiting new members, if it's worth doing they will find it themselves.:thumb2
after all the mess ups with blood dieses getting through the screening id be nervous about blood,but not so that id die,but i would admire someones religous conviction to die but not to make decission for someone elses life