We had a good day today, got up late, went to a Boot Fair and got 6 heavy duty casters for a fiver, then got back home, and Suz polished the Bull bar on her T1, while I fitted the air, and fuel filter... Then did the thermostat, which took me over an hour to get the old gasket off, as it was set solid. First time since we have had it, that the temp gauge has moved above cold. Then discovered that the Tacho sticks, It moves up every time you increase the revs, so when you start it, it goes up to 800 (ish), then when you pull away, it moves up and up, and only sometimes drops back down a bit, only returning to zero when you turn the ignition off... yet another job to add to the list
Then I spent another 2 hours trying to get the silicon glue off of the passenger side door, that was holding the silver trim panel on. That stuff is awful, I have tried the heat gun, acetone, Methylated spirits, White spirit, I got some plastic razor blades, but they won't touch it. Tried silicon remover, but that only works when there is a thin bit left, not on the thick stuff. I tried a proper razor blade, but that scratches the paint...:doh