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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Sep 20, 2004
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I guess the tittle is a bit different to its weekend what ya all up to :lol

Today I’m off to test drive a pair of VW vans and then back home to clear all my junk out of the truck. Having one last camping trip this weekend so will need to pack the kit into the truck ready to set off.

What’s everyone else getting up to?
I think we are just going to close and lock the front door, and spend a weekend in natural silence, free from builders, plumbers, kitchen fitters, and powertools... Spend some quality time with the poor ferrets that have had to be caged for the last 3 weeks. Poor guys think they have done something wrong..
I'll be finishing work any minute now and will heading home for some spannering action all weekend :clap The breaker that wasn't a breaker is now a breaker again :lol :doh
Working tomorrow:(
Sunday I will be heading over to Ashbourne for the annual soap box racing.
A few of the guys are taking part and have been working on this beauty for a while.
I sprayed it up for them last weekend and we had a good laugh testing on the hill outside work.
If all goes to plan the wacky welders are hoping to get into the red bull contest next year.
Golden Wedding Do down South

Were off to Clacton on Sea to a cousins celebration barbecue. Were making it a Mini Break by staying in St Osyth for a couple of nights - good way to break the journey as well.

Plan to take the Jeep WJ avoiding the M1 & M25 lunch en route is the plan.
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Just got back from test driving a Transporter Kombi DSG and it was great and thank goodness that particular vehicle is not for sale cos it was great. It’s made my mind up that Kombi although great perhaps isn’t a vehicle for us as the nice seats in the back will be getting binned so a plain van might be better and cheaper. Swings n roundabouts.
Off for a bit of camping with a mate up in Usha Gap. Still how we got to this halfway meeting point (2.5 hours for me just over an hour for him!!).
Back from Clacton on Sea - uneventful journey.

We had a great weekend, the weather was brilliant until we had the drive home today - then it was rain until we reached M1 services near Leicester then it cleared.

Trusty WJ did well over 30 mpg so well happy will know full extent of the economy when I top her up in the morning. A tad over 400 miles on the tank !

Yesterday had a great meal in Clacton on the seafront where we shared a 10 oz fillet steak that we self cooked on a pre-heated stone. No fat, very tender I was able to have mine rare & Wendy cooked her's to death - with left overs for the Chihuhuas when we got back home.
I had a great weekend too but had to understand a strange kind of logic. Dearest wife sorted out which pitch we were having with the site owner and apparently it was the “nearest furthest corner”, i needed a drink after that but as I was driving I just found a quiet spot and contemplated quantum physics as it’s far easier to understand.