poetry thread .

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Mar 11, 2010
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i thought it would be a good idea to introduce a bit of culture ( not penicillin )

so heres my contribution.

The sea captain's tender young bride
fell into the bay at low tide,
You could tell by her squeals,
that some of the eels
had discovered a good place to hide.
Not big on poems, though I did get engrossed in reading Sassoon when I retook my GCSE English at college. I will also resist pasting up a limerick too! :D
One that a I read a very long time ago, that's always stuck with me is this.

Feathered birds and fishes finned,
and clouds and rain and calm and wind,
and sun and moon and stars declare,
All life is one, everywhere;

That nothing dies to die for good
in clay or dust, in stone or wood,
But only rests awhile to keep
Life's ancient covenant with Sleep.
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i read the following poem out at my mothers funeral , i still cry when i read it.

If roses grow in Heaven, Lord

Please pick a bunch for me.

Place them in my Mother's arms

and tell her they're from me.

Tell her I love her and miss her,

and when she turns to smile,

place a kiss upon her cheek

and hold her for a while.

Because remembering her is easy,

I do it everyday,

but there is an ache within my heart

That will never go away.
Come dance with my, my Love, beneath the stars,
The night is young, the moon glows in the sky,
The wind whispers your name to me, I sigh,
Come, take me in your arms, the night is ours.
Let me feel your touch upon my shoulder,
Let fall upon my lips an urgent kiss,
Oh, take me to the edge of love's abyss,
Then lay me down as fires begin to smolder.
Oh, come to me, my Love, I wait for you,
The night is cool but passion burns within,
Oh come to me--then come--and come again,
Spill love's desire upon the fragrant dew.
Then lie beside me through the summer's night
Til we awaken warmed by morning's light.
There was a young man from Tyne Tees,
Who was stung on his prick by some wasps.
When asked 'does it hurt',
He said 'Not a bit,
They can do it again if they want.'
Dark In Here, Isn’t It?

I am the dark that fills your room
All your fears shrouded in gloom
In the night I wait for you
Nowhere to hide nothing you can do

I parade your teddys in medieval hose
Raise the dust that tickles your nose
That three in the morning fatal disease?
It’s only my shadows trying to please

Oh I am the dark that happy wet thing
That dampens the pillows to which you cling
Don’t fear me my love, I’m only foolin’
It’s the thing under the bed that really is drooling

Nightly sweats and that moonlit tear
It’s all entertainment to me my dear
What you fear is my delight
And they only hide when you turn on the light

So good night sleep tight
And don’t forget
That I am the dark
And I’m not done with you yet…

Empty Spaces

Shall we walk those empty spaces that your love has left behind
Explore the dusty hallways that I searched your love to find
You left me in spirit and my soul didn’t see you go
You lost me and found another and I was last to know

Legal bit (sorry): Both poems are intellectual property of J.Miles. No reproduction permitted for profit or without author credit without prior permission.
poetry thread

Time to Stop & Stare

What is this life if full of care

We have no time to stand and stare?

No time to stand beneath the boughs

And stare as long as sheep, or cows.

No time to see, when woods we pass,

Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

No time to see, in broad daylight,

Streams full of stars, like skies at night.

No time to turn at Beauty's glance,

And watch her feet, how they can dance.

No time to wait till her mouth can

Enrich that smile her eyes began.

A poor life this, if full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.

William Henry Davies 1871 - 1940
There was a young plumber from Lee
Who was plumbing his girl by the sea
She said "Hey stop your plumbing
I think someone's coming"
"I know" said the plumber "It's me"