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Deleted Member

Just noticed that all my pm's that were in my in box last night have disapeared???
Not been done at this end?? 8O 8O
Agus Mise ( mine too!)

mine have all gone too.
got to get back in touch with a few people now as i had contact details in them messages :? note to self next time write it down :smile:
Hello all,
Its my fault completely while tidying up the site for the change over later today i messed up and deleted certain tables within the database one of which i did not relize contianed PMs.

Once again sorry for the mess up.

I noticed some post counts went down too - specifically when Zippy and Willow were talking about their totals the other day.

I guess that is down to spring cleaning also??


And mine

Yuv left your mark already Mav no need to do this bud :lol:
Let the new owner clean it up mate :lol:
He must have bought as seen surely ? -rotfl-
Nice one.
many thanks mav that's saved me from doing my own housework but as steve says It doe's beg the question How private