Patrol oil pressure drop ?

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Jul 25, 2010
ZD30DDTi engine - oil pressure light comes on at low revs - after 1500 revs the light goes out - have changed the sensor at a crippling cost of £126 just for the kit of which I only used the sensor and not all the other bits which presumably are for other vehicles - suspect it now may be the oil pump - engine has done 163,000 miles and runs as sweet as a nut - Nissan dealer is quoting me £800 + VAT for a new pump - taking the sump off tomorrow to see if the filter is blocked or sludgy - anybody got any ideas of something I may be missing like a leaky seal etc etc
thanks for reading - hope you can help
have you had a look through the workshop manual for any ideas as the cause ? ........ just an idea , hope it hel:thumb2ps
Is this when the engine is cold or hot? If its when cold it may be the pump, and is there an oil pressure releif valve that could be weak? David.

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