our new truck!!

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Well-known member
Dec 8, 2009
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well here are the picks of our new truck, first job window tints lol :thumb2


do you thing the back is too high or the front is too low? should it be like this? the road its on ie flat?? cheers
You can wind the front suspension up a bit ... looks a little on the low side on the front.
By the way, the Maverick in the photos is a TD and not a TDI ( no air scoop on bonnet for intercooler)
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You can wind the front suspension up a bit ... looks a little on the low side on the front.
By the way, the Maverick in the photos is a TD and not a TDI ( no air scoop on bonnet for intercooler)

that sounds great lol how do i do that??
that sounds great lol how do i do that??

Just do a search on torsion bar adjustment.

You should wind the front up until the top of the wheel arch is aout 3 cms lower (in height from the road) than the backs. easy job with a couple of 19mm spanners but might need a bit of WD40 on the adjusters the day before.
dont over do the adjustment, someone had raised my front before i bought it and i was getting a banging noise on the rebound, so i had to lower the front, it's ok now.:thumbs
anyone know how to cranck it up a touch and how difficult is it to do?? cheers
Might be better to pay your tenner and join, you'll have access to all the previous posts inc this subject. Also there's loads of downloads on different subjects too.

Jim T
i definatly am going to join but with 4 kids before christmas isnt going to happen lol :augie